- 2
ZooKeeperNetEx.dll in the latest Nuget Package on is compiled for Debug
#53 opened by VaronisContributor - 17
Zookeeper 3.5.5
#37 opened by bitchkat - 5
ConnectionReset exception
#45 opened by HolyPrapor - 0
Calling getChildrenAsync could take forever
#52 opened by laurenceSaes - 0
Mistake in C# port of LeaderElectionSupport
#51 opened by douggish - 0
ZooKeeperNetEx.dll is built in debug mode.
#49 opened by chenjing1294 - 0
Packet length out of range
#48 opened by Wintermute79 - 0
Watcher events loss
#47 opened by giudamico84 - 2
Zookeeper API calls block indefinately when being called from inside Process watcher method
#42 opened by Kartikkumar-Shetty - 14
- 1
- 7
Zookeeper 3.4.12
#27 opened by bitchkat - 0
Issue with ephemeral nodes
#38 opened by amritaGoel - 3
- 1
Build failed
#35 opened by JHinW - 2
Why not use C # code style
#13 opened by chinaboard - 4
Watch not triggered
#33 opened by alexandrutatagit - 1
- 1
location of ZK*.log files
#23 opened by bitchkat - 8
Session expired from start
#34 opened by Oleksandr-Silin - 8
3.5.* Nuget
#32 opened by karlomedallo - 17
CPU and memory usage increase when the app tries to re-connect to Zookeeper server
#25 opened by Gomsilruk - 3
Make Fenced and SignalTask public
#30 opened by bitchkat - 3
Run zookeeper mainloop in a separate thread
#29 opened by bitchkat - 2
- 1
Why watcher cannot be null?
#24 opened by 8089wang - 2
#22 opened by bitchkat - 1
missing removeWatcher
#19 opened by sagfan - 0
WriteLock may never be granted
#26 opened by bitchkat - 1
- 0
sometime i catch org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException+ConnectionLossException
#21 opened by ignite-404 - 0
How can I use this SDK in .net core?
#18 opened by xBoo - 2
_leaderElectionSupport.getLeaderHostName() is not returning the host name as supplied
#16 opened by sagfan - 21
- 1
Can Semaphore from Curator be ported to C#?
#15 opened by unclepaul84 - 3
Watches not working correctly
#14 opened by johnrayner - 9
**Exception:** One or more errors occurred. (Exception of type 'org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException+NoNodeException' was thrown.)
#11 opened by radduri - 5
- 13
- 6
Connection always fails under CoreCLR using ClientCnxnSocketNIO.connect with DnsEndPoint
#7 opened by ninjarobot - 2
- 4
- 15
ZooKeeperNetEx.Recipes WriteLock allows multiple clients to obtain lock to the same dir simultaneously
#4 opened by nj4x - 2
#3 opened by nj4x - 2
Local compiler error
#1 opened by celt237 - 2