
personal config files for things like vim and autohotkey

Primary LanguageVim Script

personal configuration files

Don't forget to fetch the submodules (git pull --recurse-submodules I think... or from the clone with git clone --recurse-submodules <gitURL>)


For vim on windows (gvim) in your user directory ~/ create symlink (might need to use gitbash or other bash shell) with ln -s c:/path/to/this/config/vim ~/vimfiles and one for vimrc with ln -s c:/path/to/this/config/vim/_vimnc ~/_vimrc and probably one for ideavimrc ln -s c:/path/to/this/config/vim/.ideavimrc ~/.ideavimrc Symlink issues on windows have lead me to trying mklink _vimrc c:\mc\config\vim\_vimrc and mklink /j vimfiles c:\mc\config\vim\ (performed as admin but not sure if that was needed) Also, create a ~/.backup/.swap and ~/.backup/.undo as defined by the vimrc for storing swap files and persistent undo. You'll need to do it from the commandline because windoze.