
Primary LanguageShell

With this release test4 is namespace for chromeOSLinux for task and builds in /usr/local/bin for your local machine you need to have read write to run make all

It will download the debootstrap files to local /usr/local/bin not /tmp

The file for install is test4 and is written to ~/Downloads/test4

This is not compatible with crouton shell scripts and the new files need to be copied to you /usr/local/bin is using this ie chroots/bin/ cp * /usr/local/bin

After make all use the ctrl+alt+shift+<- keys to get back to a crosh shell, start and new shell and shell into it. the command of sudo cp ~/Downloads/test4 /usr/local/bin then sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/test4 or install -Dt /usr/local/bin -m 755 ~/Downloads/test4

then the sudo test4 --help will show the cmds to get chroot installed

IE sudo test4 -p /home/SD/z/ -r bullseye -t xorg,xiwi,xfce will work

if you with to view the activity start and new shell and cd /usr/local/bin

you can ls -la to watch the intall process


chronos@localhost /usr/local/bin $ sudo test4 
test4 [options] -t targets
test4 [options] -f backup_tarball
test4 [options] -d -f bootstrap_tarball

Constructs a chroot for running a more standard userspace alongside Chromium OS.

If run with -f, where the tarball is a backup previously made using edit-chroot,
the chroot is restored and relevant scripts installed.

If run with -d, a bootstrap tarball is created to speed up chroot creation in
the future. You can use bootstrap tarballs generated this way by passing them
to -f the next time you create a chroot with the same architecture and release.

test4 must be run as root unless -d is specified AND fakeroot is
installed AND /tmp is mounted exec and dev.

It is highly recommended to run this from a crosh shell (Ctrl+Alt+T), not VT2.

    -a ARCH     The architecture to prepare a new chroot or bootstrap for.
                Default: autodetected for the current chroot or system.
    -b          Restore chromeOSLinux scripts in PREFIX/bin, as required by the
                chroots currently installed in PREFIX/chroots.
    -d          Downloads the bootstrap tarball but does not prepare the chroot.
    -e          Encrypt the chroot with ecryptfs using a passphrase.
                If specified twice, prompt to change the encryption passphrase.
    -f TARBALL  The bootstrap or backup tarball to use, or to download to (-d).
                When using an existing tarball, -a and -r are ignored.
    -k KEYFILE  File or directory to store the (encrypted) encryption keys in.
                If unspecified, the keys will be stored in the chroot if doing a
                first encryption, or auto-detected on existing chroots.
    -m MIRROR   Mirror to use for bootstrapping and package installation.
                Default depends on the release chosen.
                Can only be specified during chroot creation and forced updates
                (-u -u). After installation, the mirror can be modified using
                the distribution's recommended way.
    -M MIRROR2  A secondary mirror, often used for security updates.
                Can only be specified alongside -m.
    -n NAME     Name of the chroot. Default is the release name.
                Cannot contain any slash (/).
    -p PREFIX   The root directory in which to install the bin and chroot
                subdirectories and data.
                Default: /usr/local/, with /usr/local//chroots linked to
    -P PROXY    Set an HTTP proxy for the chroot; effectively sets http_proxy.
                Specify an empty string to remove a proxy when updating.
    -r RELEASE  Name of the distribution release. Default: focal,
                or auto-detected if upgrading a chroot and -n is specified.
                Specify 'help' or 'list' to print out recognized releases.
    -t TARGETS  Comma-separated list of environment targets to install.
                Specify 'help' or 'list' to print out potential targets.
    -T TARGETFILE  Path to a custom target definition file that gets applied to
                the chroot as if it were a target in the test4 bundle.
    -u          If the chroot exists, runs the preparation step again.
                You can use this to install new targets or update old ones.
                Passing this parameter twice will force an update even if the
                specified release does not match the one already installed.
    -V          Prints the version of the installer to stdout.

Be aware that dev mode is inherently insecure, even if you have a strong
password in your chroot! Anyone can simply switch VTs and gain root access
unless you've permanently assigned a Chromium OS root password. Encrypted
chroots require you to set a Chromium OS root password, but are still only as
secure as the passphrases you assign to them.

chronos@localhost /home/SD/3 $ ls /usr/local/bin
crash_reporter_wrapper    enter-chroot  mount-chroot  startkde    startxbmc   testar1
delete-chroot             host-bin      startcli      startkodi   startxfce4  unmount-chroot
drinkcat-chroagh-18cc180  hostbin.ar    starte17      startlxde   startxiwi   unmount-chroot.old
edit-chroot               mnt.sh        startgnome    startunity  test4
chronos@localhost /home/SD/3 $ ls
bin  chroots
chronos@localhost /home/SD/3 $ cd chroots
chronos@localhost /home/SD/3/chroots $ ls
chronos@localhost /home/SD/3/chroots $ 

drwxr-xr-x.  2 z z  4096 Dec 19 12:03 .
drwxr-xr-x. 13 z z  4096 Dec 19 12:15 ..
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z  7360 Nov 25 01:46 crash_reporter_wrapper
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 z z    11 Dec 19 12:03 delete-chroot -> edit-chroot
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z 24256 Nov 25 01:46 edit-chroot
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z 27254 Nov 25 01:46 enter-chroot
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z 13503 Nov 25 01:46 mount-chroot
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z   735 Nov 25 01:46 startcli
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z   569 Nov 25 01:46 starte17
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z   548 Nov 25 01:46 startgnome
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z   557 Nov 25 01:46 startkde
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z   592 Nov 25 01:46 startkodi
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z   561 Nov 25 01:46 startlxde
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z   548 Nov 25 01:46 startunity
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z   547 Nov 25 01:46 startxfce4
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z  2140 Nov 25 01:46 startxiwi
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 z z 10790 Nov 25 01:46 unmount-chroot

(bull3)z@localhost:~/crouton_Penguin/chromeOSLinux_test$ git push --all
Username for 'https://github.com': shaynababe
Password for 'https://shaynababe@github.com': 
remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/getting-started-with-git/about-remote-repositories#cloning-with-https-urls for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://github.com/shynababe/chromeOSLinux_test.git/'
(bull3)z@localhost:~/crouton_Penguin/chromeOSLinux_test$ git push --all
Username for 'https://github.com': shaynababe
Password for 'https://shaynababe@github.com': 
Enumerating objects: 224, done.
Counting objects: 100% (224/224), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (197/197), done.
Writing objects: 100% (223/223), 343.60 KiB | 3.66 MiB/s, done.
Total 223 (delta 33), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (33/33), done.
To https://github.com/shynababe/chromeOSLinux_test.git
   f08039a..56a040a  main -> main
(bull3)z@localhost:~/crouton_Penguin/chromeOSLinux_test$ ls   
AUTHORS    Screenshot_2022-12-17_08-02-55.png  chroot-etc   host-ext   src
Makefile   build                               debootstrap  installer  targets
README.md  chroot-bin                          host-bin     kernel
(bull3)z@localhost:~/crouton_Penguin/chromeOSLinux_test$ make all
rm -rf chromeOSLinux.build && mkdir -p chromeOSLinux.build \
&& cp -at chromeOSLinux.build --parents chroot-bin/brightness chroot-bin/chromeOSLinux-noroot chroot-bin/chromeOSLinux-unity-autostart chroot-bin/chromeOSLinuxclip chroot-bin/chromeOSLinuxcycle chroot-bin/chromeOSLinuxfindnacl chroot-bin/chromeOSLinuxlhandler chroot-bin/chromeOSLinuxnotify chroot-bin/chromeOSLinuxpowerd chroot-bin/chromeOSLinuxtriggerd chroot-bin/chromeOSLinuxversion chroot-bin/chromeOSLinuxxinitrc-wrapper chroot-bin/crouton-noroot chroot-bin/crouton-unity-autostart chroot-bin/croutonclip chroot-bin/croutoncycle chroot-bin/croutonfindnacl chroot-bin/croutonnotify chroot-bin/croutonpowerd chroot-bin/croutontriggerd chroot-bin/croutonurlhandler chroot-bin/croutonversion chroot-bin/croutonxinitrc-wrapper chroot-bin/gnome-session-wrapper chroot-bin/host-dbus chroot-bin/host-wayland chroot-bin/setres chroot-bin/startgnome chroot-bin/startkde chroot-bin/startlxde chroot-bin/startunity chroot-bin/startxfce4 chroot-bin/volume chroot-bin/xinit chroot-bin/xiwi chroot-bin/z chroot-etc/chroot-etc-pam-d chroot-etc/kodi-cycle.py chroot-etc/kodi-keyboard.xml chroot-etc/pulseaudio-default.pa chroot-etc/unity-autostart.desktop chroot-etc/unity-profiled chroot-etc/xbindkeysrc.scm chroot-etc/xiwi.conf chroot-etc/xorg-dummy.conf chroot-etc/xorg-intel-sna.conf chroot-etc/xserverrc chroot-etc/xserverrc-local.example chroot-etc/xserverrc-xiwi chroot-etc/xserverrc-xorg \
&& cp -Lprt chromeOSLinux.build --parents host-bin/crash_reporter_wrapper host-bin/delete-chroot host-bin/edit-chroot host-bin/enter-chroot host-bin/mount-chroot host-bin/startcli host-bin/starte17 host-bin/startgnome host-bin/startkde host-bin/startkodi host-bin/startlxde host-bin/startunity host-bin/startxfce4 host-bin/startxiwi host-bin/unmount-chroot installer/main.sh installer/prepare.sh installer/functions installer/arch/ar installer/arch/bootstrap installer/arch/defaults installer/arch/getrelease.sh installer/arch/new installer/arch/pkgdetails installer/arch/prepare installer/arch/releases installer/debian/ar installer/debian/bootstrap installer/debian/defaults installer/debian/getrelease.sh installer/debian/pkgdetails installer/debian/prepare installer/debian/releases installer/gentoo/ar installer/gentoo/bootstrap installer/gentoo/defaults installer/gentoo/getrelease.sh installer/gentoo/pkgdetails installer/gentoo/prepare installer/gentoo/releases installer/kali/ar installer/kali/bootstrap installer/kali/defaults installer/kali/getrelease.sh installer/kali/pkgdetails installer/kali/prepare installer/kali/releases installer/opensuse/ar installer/opensuse/bootstrap installer/opensuse/defaults installer/opensuse/getrelease.sh installer/opensuse/pkgdetails installer/opensuse/prepare installer/opensuse/releases installer/ubuntu/ar installer/ubuntu/bootstrap installer/ubuntu/defaults installer/ubuntu/getrelease.sh installer/ubuntu/pkgdetails installer/ubuntu/prepare installer/ubuntu/releases src/fbserver-proto.h src/fbserver.c src/findnacld.c src/freon.c src/vtmonitor.c src/websocket.c src/websocket.h src/xi2event.c targets/audio targets/chrome targets/chrome-beta targets/chrome-common targets/chrome-dev targets/chromium targets/cli-extra targets/common targets/core targets/e17 targets/extension targets/gnome targets/gnome-desktop targets/gtk-extra targets/kde targets/kde-desktop targets/keyboard targets/kodi targets/lxde targets/lxde-desktop targets/mate targets/mate-desktop targets/openoffice targets/post-common targets/tools targets/touch targets/unity targets/unity-desktop targets/x11 targets/x11-common targets/xbmc targets/xfce targets/xfce-desktop targets/xiwi targets/xorg \
&& for bootstrap in installer/arch/bootstrap installer/debian/bootstrap installer/gentoo/bootstrap installer/kali/bootstrap installer/opensuse/bootstrap installer/ubuntu/bootstrap; do \
	tmp=chromeOSLinux.build; \
	[ -h "$bootstrap" ] && continue; \
	echo "Preparing bootstrap dependencies for $bootstrap" >&2; \
	tmp=chromeOSLinux.build sh -e "$bootstrap" \
		|| ! rm -rf chromeOSLinux.build || exit 1; \
Preparing bootstrap dependencies for installer/ubuntu/bootstrap
######################################################################### 100.0%
Patching debootstrap...
{ \
	sed -e "s/\$TARPARAMS/-j/" \
		-e "s/VERSION=.*/VERSION='1-20221219121458~main:56a040a8'/" \
		build/wrapper.sh \
	&& (cd chromeOSLinux.build && tar --owner=root --group=root -c -j *)\
	&& chmod +x /dev/stdout \
;} > ~/Downloads/test4 || ! rm -f ~/Downloads/test4
gcc -g -Wall -Werror -Wno-error=unused-function -Os src/fbserver.c -lX11 -lXdamage -lXext -lXfixes -lXtst -o chromeOSLinuxfbserver
gcc -g -Wall -Werror -Wno-error=unused-function -Os src/findnacld.c  -o chromeOSLinuxfindnacld
In file included from src/findnacld.c:5:
src/websocket.h:905:13: warning: 'socket_server_init' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  905 | static void socket_server_init(int port_) {
      |             ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/websocket.h:806:12: warning: 'socket_server_accept' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  806 | static int socket_server_accept(char* version) {
      |            ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
gcc -g -Wall -Werror -Wno-error=unused-function -Os src/vtmonitor.c  -o chromeOSLinuxvtmonitor
gcc -g -Wall -Werror -Wno-error=unused-function -Os src/websocket.c  -o chromeOSLinuxwebsocket
gcc -g -Wall -Werror -Wno-error=unused-function -Os src/xi2event.c -lX11 -lXi -o chromeOSLinuxxi2event
gcc -g -Wall -Werror -Wno-error=unused-function -Os -shared -fPIC src/freon.c -ldl -ldrm -I/usr/include/libdrm -o chromeOSLinuxfreon.so
#rm -f chromeOSLinux.zip && zip -q --junk-paths chromeOSLinux.zip 

|-- Makefile
|-- README.md
|-- Screenshot_2022-12-17_08-02-55.png
|-- build
|   |-- CONTRIBUTORS.sed
|   |-- genversion.sh
|   |-- release.sh
|   `-- wrapper.sh
|-- chromeOSLinux.build
|   |-- chroot-bin
|   |   |-- brightness
|   |   |-- chromeOSLinux-noroot
|   |   |-- chromeOSLinux-unity-autostart
|   |   |-- chromeOSLinuxclip
|   |   |-- chromeOSLinuxcycle
|   |   |-- chromeOSLinuxfindnacl
|   |   |-- chromeOSLinuxlhandler
|   |   |-- chromeOSLinuxnotify
|   |   |-- chromeOSLinuxpowerd
|   |   |-- chromeOSLinuxtriggerd
|   |   |-- chromeOSLinuxversion
|   |   |-- chromeOSLinuxxinitrc-wrapper
|   |   |-- crouton-noroot
|   |   |-- crouton-unity-autostart
|   |   |-- croutonclip
|   |   |-- croutoncycle
|   |   |-- croutonfindnacl
|   |   |-- croutonnotify
|   |   |-- croutonpowerd
|   |   |-- croutontriggerd
|   |   |-- croutonurlhandler
|   |   |-- croutonversion
|   |   |-- croutonxinitrc-wrapper
|   |   |-- gnome-session-wrapper
|   |   |-- host-dbus
|   |   |-- host-wayland
|   |   |-- setres
|   |   |-- startgnome
|   |   |-- startkde -> crouton-noroot
|   |   |-- startlxde -> crouton-noroot
|   |   |-- startunity
|   |   |-- startxfce4 -> crouton-noroot
|   |   |-- volume
|   |   |-- xinit
|   |   |-- xiwi
|   |   `-- z
|   |       |-- chromeOSLinux-noroot
|   |       |-- chromeOSLinux-unity-autostart
|   |       |-- chromeOSLinuxclip
|   |       |-- chromeOSLinuxcycle
|   |       |-- chromeOSLinuxfindnacl
|   |       |-- chromeOSLinuxlhandler
|   |       |-- chromeOSLinuxnotify
|   |       |-- chromeOSLinuxpowerd
|   |       |-- chromeOSLinuxtriggerd
|   |       |-- chromeOSLinuxversion
|   |       |-- chromeOSLinuxxinitrc-wrapper
|   |       |-- cp.sh
|   |       |-- crouton-noroot
|   |       |-- crouton-unity-autostart
|   |       |-- croutonclip
|   |       |-- croutoncycle
|   |       |-- croutonfindnacl
|   |       |-- croutonnotify
|   |       |-- croutonpowerd
|   |       |-- croutontriggerd
|   |       |-- croutonurlhandler
|   |       |-- croutonversion
|   |       `-- croutonxinitrc-wrapper
|   |-- chroot-etc
|   |   |-- chroot-etc-pam-d
|   |   |   `-- su-l
|   |   |-- kodi-cycle.py
|   |   |-- kodi-keyboard.xml
|   |   |-- pulseaudio-default.pa
|   |   |-- unity-autostart.desktop
|   |   |-- unity-profiled
|   |   |-- xbindkeysrc.scm
|   |   |-- xiwi.conf
|   |   |-- xorg-dummy.conf
|   |   |-- xorg-intel-sna.conf
|   |   |-- xserverrc
|   |   |-- xserverrc-local.example
|   |   |-- xserverrc-xiwi
|   |   `-- xserverrc-xorg
|   |-- host-bin
|   |   |-- crash_reporter_wrapper
|   |   |-- delete-chroot
|   |   |-- edit-chroot
|   |   |-- enter-chroot
|   |   |-- mount-chroot
|   |   |-- startcli
|   |   |-- starte17
|   |   |-- startgnome
|   |   |-- startkde
|   |   |-- startkodi
|   |   |-- startlxde
|   |   |-- startunity
|   |   |-- startxfce4
|   |   |-- startxiwi
|   |   `-- unmount-chroot
|   |-- installer
|   |   |-- arch
|   |   |   |-- ar
|   |   |   |-- bootstrap
|   |   |   |-- defaults
|   |   |   |-- getrelease.sh
|   |   |   |-- new
|   |   |   |   `-- arch
|   |   |   |       |-- bootstrap
|   |   |   |       |-- defaults
|   |   |   |       |-- getrelease.sh
|   |   |   |       |-- prepare
|   |   |   |       `-- releases
|   |   |   |-- pkgdetails
|   |   |   |-- prepare
|   |   |   `-- releases
|   |   |-- debian
|   |   |   |-- ar
|   |   |   |-- bootstrap
|   |   |   |-- defaults
|   |   |   |-- getrelease.sh
|   |   |   |-- pkgdetails
|   |   |   |-- prepare
|   |   |   `-- releases
|   |   |-- functions
|   |   |-- gentoo
|   |   |   |-- ar
|   |   |   |-- bootstrap
|   |   |   |-- defaults
|   |   |   |-- getrelease.sh
|   |   |   |-- pkgdetails
|   |   |   |-- prepare
|   |   |   `-- releases
|   |   |-- kali
|   |   |   |-- ar
|   |   |   |-- bootstrap
|   |   |   |-- defaults
|   |   |   |-- getrelease.sh
|   |   |   |-- pkgdetails
|   |   |   |-- prepare
|   |   |   `-- releases
|   |   |-- main.sh
|   |   |-- opensuse
|   |   |   |-- ar
|   |   |   |-- bootstrap
|   |   |   |-- defaults
|   |   |   |-- getrelease.sh
|   |   |   |-- pkgdetails
|   |   |   |-- prepare
|   |   |   `-- releases
|   |   |-- prepare.sh
|   |   `-- ubuntu
|   |       |-- ar
|   |       |-- bootstrap
|   |       |-- defaults
|   |       |-- getrelease.sh
|   |       |-- pkgdetails
|   |       |-- prepare
|   |       `-- releases
|   |-- src
|   |   |-- fbserver-proto.h
|   |   |-- fbserver.c
|   |   |-- findnacld.c
|   |   |-- freon.c
|   |   |-- vtmonitor.c
|   |   |-- websocket.c
|   |   |-- websocket.h
|   |   `-- xi2event.c
|   `-- targets
|       |-- audio
|       |-- chrome
|       |-- chrome-beta
|       |-- chrome-common
|       |-- chrome-dev
|       |-- chromium
|       |-- cli-extra
|       |-- common
|       |-- core
|       |-- e17
|       |-- extension
|       |-- gnome
|       |-- gnome-desktop
|       |-- gtk-extra
|       |-- kde
|       |-- kde-desktop
|       |-- keyboard
|       |-- kodi
|       |-- lxde
|       |-- lxde-desktop
|       |-- mate
|       |-- mate-desktop
|       |-- openoffice
|       |-- post-common
|       |-- tools
|       |-- touch
|       |-- unity
|       |-- unity-desktop
|       |-- x11
|       |-- x11-common
|       |-- xbmc
|       |-- xfce
|       |-- xfce-desktop
|       |-- xiwi
|       `-- xorg
|-- chromeOSLinuxfbserver
|-- chromeOSLinuxfindnacld
|-- chromeOSLinuxfreon.so
|-- chromeOSLinuxvtmonitor
|-- chromeOSLinuxwebsocket
|-- chromeOSLinuxxi2event
|-- chroot-bin
|   |-- brightness
|   |-- chromeOSLinux-noroot
|   |-- chromeOSLinux-unity-autostart
|   |-- chromeOSLinuxclip
|   |-- chromeOSLinuxcycle
|   |-- chromeOSLinuxfindnacl
|   |-- chromeOSLinuxlhandler
|   |-- chromeOSLinuxnotify
|   |-- chromeOSLinuxpowerd
|   |-- chromeOSLinuxtriggerd
|   |-- chromeOSLinuxversion
|   |-- chromeOSLinuxxinitrc-wrapper
|   |-- crouton-noroot
|   |-- crouton-unity-autostart
|   |-- croutonclip
|   |-- croutoncycle
|   |-- croutonfindnacl
|   |-- croutonnotify
|   |-- croutonpowerd
|   |-- croutontriggerd
|   |-- croutonurlhandler
|   |-- croutonversion
|   |-- croutonxinitrc-wrapper
|   |-- gnome-session-wrapper
|   |-- host-dbus
|   |-- host-wayland
|   |-- setres
|   |-- startgnome
|   |-- startkde -> crouton-noroot
|   |-- startlxde -> crouton-noroot
|   |-- startunity
|   |-- startxfce4 -> crouton-noroot
|   |-- volume
|   |-- xinit
|   |-- xiwi
|   `-- z
|       |-- chromeOSLinux-noroot
|       |-- chromeOSLinux-unity-autostart
|       |-- chromeOSLinuxclip
|       |-- chromeOSLinuxcycle
|       |-- chromeOSLinuxfindnacl
|       |-- chromeOSLinuxlhandler
|       |-- chromeOSLinuxnotify
|       |-- chromeOSLinuxpowerd
|       |-- chromeOSLinuxtriggerd
|       |-- chromeOSLinuxversion
|       |-- chromeOSLinuxxinitrc-wrapper
|       |-- cp.sh
|       |-- crouton-noroot
|       |-- crouton-unity-autostart
|       |-- croutonclip
|       |-- croutoncycle
|       |-- croutonfindnacl
|       |-- croutonnotify
|       |-- croutonpowerd
|       |-- croutontriggerd
|       |-- croutonurlhandler
|       |-- croutonversion
|       `-- croutonxinitrc-wrapper
|-- chroot-etc
|   |-- chroot-etc-pam-d
|   |   `-- su-l
|   |-- kodi-cycle.py
|   |-- kodi-keyboard.xml
|   |-- pulseaudio-default.pa
|   |-- unity-autostart.desktop
|   |-- unity-profiled
|   |-- xbindkeysrc.scm
|   |-- xiwi.conf
|   |-- xorg-dummy.conf
|   |-- xorg-intel-sna.conf
|   |-- xserverrc
|   |-- xserverrc-local.example
|   |-- xserverrc-xiwi
|   `-- xserverrc-xorg
|-- debootstrap
|   |-- Makefile
|   |-- README
|   |-- debootstrap
|   |-- debootstrap.8
|   |-- devices.tar.gz
|   |-- functions
|   |-- scripts
|   |   |-- OSS -> opensuse
|   |   |-- aequorea
|   |   |-- alarm -> arch
|   |   |-- amber
|   |   |-- arch
|   |   |-- artful -> gutsy
|   |   |-- ascii -> sid
|   |   |-- bartholomea -> aequorea
|   |   |-- beowulf -> sid
|   |   |-- bionic -> gutsy
|   |   |-- bookworm -> sid
|   |   |-- breezy
|   |   |-- bullseye -> sid
|   |   |-- buster -> sid
|   |   |-- byzantium -> amber
|   |   |-- ceres -> sid
|   |   |-- chromodoris -> aequorea
|   |   |-- cosmic -> gutsy
|   |   |-- crimson -> amber
|   |   |-- dapper
|   |   |-- dasyatis -> aequorea
|   |   |-- debian-common
|   |   |-- disco -> gutsy
|   |   |-- edgy
|   |   |-- eoan -> gutsy
|   |   |-- etch
|   |   |-- etch-m68k -> etch
|   |   |-- feisty
|   |   |-- focal -> gutsy
|   |   |-- gentoo
|   |   |-- gentoo-openstack -> gentoo
|   |   |-- groovy -> gutsy
|   |   |-- gutsy
|   |   |-- hardy -> gutsy
|   |   |-- hirsute -> groovy
|   |   |-- hoary
|   |   |-- hoary.buildd
|   |   |-- impish -> gutsy
|   |   |-- intrepid -> gutsy
|   |   |-- jammy -> gutsy
|   |   |-- jaunty -> gutsy
|   |   |-- jessie -> sid
|   |   |-- jessie-kfreebsd -> sid
|   |   |-- kali
|   |   |-- kali-dev -> kali
|   |   |-- kali-last-snapshot -> kali
|   |   |-- kali-rolling -> kali
|   |   |-- karmic -> gutsy
|   |   |-- kinetic -> gutsy
|   |   |-- leap -> opensuse
|   |   |-- leap-micro -> opensuse
|   |   |-- leap-micro-current -> opensuse
|   |   |-- lenny -> etch
|   |   |-- lucid -> gutsy
|   |   |-- maverick -> gutsy
|   |   |-- natty -> gutsy
|   |   |-- oldoldstable -> sid
|   |   |-- oldstable -> sid
|   |   |-- oneiric -> gutsy
|   |   |-- openSUSE-current -> opensuse
|   |   |-- openSUSE-stable -> opensuse
|   |   |-- opensuse
|   |   |-- potato
|   |   |-- precise -> gutsy
|   |   |-- quantal -> gutsy
|   |   |-- raring -> gutsy
|   |   |-- sarge
|   |   |-- sarge.buildd
|   |   |-- sarge.fakechroot
|   |   |-- saucy -> gutsy
|   |   |-- sid
|   |   |-- squeeze -> etch
|   |   |-- stable -> sid
|   |   |-- stage3 -> gentoo
|   |   |-- stage4 -> gentoo
|   |   |-- stretch -> sid
|   |   |-- testing -> sid
|   |   |-- trixie -> sid
|   |   |-- trusty -> gutsy
|   |   |-- unstable -> sid
|   |   |-- utopic -> gutsy
|   |   |-- vivid -> gutsy
|   |   |-- warty
|   |   |-- warty.buildd
|   |   |-- wheezy -> sid
|   |   |-- wily -> gutsy
|   |   |-- woody
|   |   |-- woody.buildd
|   |   |-- xenial -> gutsy
|   |   |-- yakkety -> gutsy
|   |   `-- zesty -> gutsy
|   `-- scripts.tar.gz
|-- host-bin
|   |-- crash_reporter_wrapper
|   |-- delete-chroot -> edit-chroot
|   |-- edit-chroot
|   |-- enter-chroot
|   |-- mount-chroot
|   |-- startcli
|   |-- starte17
|   |-- startgnome
|   |-- startkde
|   |-- startkodi
|   |-- startlxde
|   |-- startunity
|   |-- startxfce4
|   |-- startxiwi
|   `-- unmount-chroot
|-- host-ext
|   |-- crouton
|   |   |-- background.html
|   |   |-- background.js
|   |   |-- connected-19.png
|   |   |-- connected-38.png
|   |   |-- disabled-19.png
|   |   |-- disabled-38.png
|   |   |-- disconnected-19.png
|   |   |-- disconnected-38.png
|   |   |-- error-19.png
|   |   |-- error-38.png
|   |   |-- first.html
|   |   |-- icon-128.png
|   |   |-- icon-48.png
|   |   |-- kiwi.nmf
|   |   |-- manifest.json
|   |   |-- popup.html
|   |   |-- popup.js
|   |   |-- window.html
|   |   `-- window.js
|   |-- gencrx.sh
|   |-- logo.svg
|   `-- nacl_src
|       |-- Makefile
|       |-- keycode_converter.h
|       `-- kiwi.cc
|-- installer
|   |-- arch
|   |   |-- ar -> ../ubuntu/ar
|   |   |-- bootstrap -> ../ubuntu/bootstrap
|   |   |-- defaults
|   |   |-- getrelease.sh -> ../ubuntu/getrelease.sh
|   |   |-- new
|   |   |   `-- arch
|   |   |       |-- bootstrap
|   |   |       |-- defaults
|   |   |       |-- getrelease.sh
|   |   |       |-- prepare
|   |   |       `-- releases
|   |   |-- pkgdetails -> ../ubuntu/pkgdetails
|   |   |-- prepare -> ../ubuntu/prepare
|   |   `-- releases
|   |-- crouton
|   |-- debian
|   |   |-- ar -> ../ubuntu/ar
|   |   |-- bootstrap -> ../ubuntu/bootstrap
|   |   |-- defaults
|   |   |-- getrelease.sh -> ../ubuntu/getrelease.sh
|   |   |-- pkgdetails -> ../ubuntu/pkgdetails
|   |   |-- prepare -> ../ubuntu/prepare
|   |   `-- releases
|   |-- functions
|   |-- gentoo
|   |   |-- ar -> ../ubuntu/ar
|   |   |-- bootstrap -> ../ubuntu/bootstrap
|   |   |-- defaults
|   |   |-- getrelease.sh -> ../ubuntu/getrelease.sh
|   |   |-- pkgdetails -> ../ubuntu/pkgdetails
|   |   |-- prepare -> ../ubuntu/prepare
|   |   `-- releases
|   |-- kali
|   |   |-- ar -> ../ubuntu/ar
|   |   |-- bootstrap -> ../ubuntu/bootstrap
|   |   |-- defaults
|   |   |-- getrelease.sh -> ../ubuntu/getrelease.sh
|   |   |-- pkgdetails -> ../ubuntu/pkgdetails
|   |   |-- prepare -> ../ubuntu/prepare
|   |   `-- releases
|   |-- main.sh
|   |-- make.txt
|   |-- opensuse
|   |   |-- ar -> ../ubuntu/ar
|   |   |-- bootstrap -> ../ubuntu/bootstrap
|   |   |-- defaults
|   |   |-- getrelease.sh -> ../ubuntu/getrelease.sh
|   |   |-- pkgdetails -> ../ubuntu/pkgdetails
|   |   |-- prepare -> ../ubuntu/prepare
|   |   `-- releases
|   |-- prepare.sh
|   `-- ubuntu
|       |-- ar
|       |-- bootstrap
|       |-- defaults
|       |-- getrelease.sh
|       |-- pkgdetails
|       |-- prepare
|       `-- releases
|-- kernel
|-- src
|   |-- fbserver-proto.h
|   |-- fbserver.c
|   |-- findnacld.c
|   |-- freon.c
|   |-- vtmonitor.c
|   |-- websocket.c
|   |-- websocket.h
|   `-- xi2event.c
|-- targets
|   |-- audio
|   |-- chrome
|   |-- chrome-beta
|   |-- chrome-common
|   |-- chrome-dev
|   |-- chromium
|   |-- cli-extra
|   |-- common
|   |-- core
|   |-- e17
|   |-- extension
|   |-- gnome
|   |-- gnome-desktop
|   |-- gtk-extra
|   |-- kde
|   |-- kde-desktop
|   |-- keyboard
|   |-- kodi
|   |-- lxde
|   |-- lxde-desktop
|   |-- mate
|   |-- mate-desktop
|   |-- openoffice
|   |-- post-common
|   |-- tools
|   |-- touch
|   |-- unity
|   |-- unity-desktop
|   |-- x11
|   |-- x11-common
|   |-- xbmc
|   |-- xfce
|   |-- xfce-desktop
|   |-- xiwi
|   `-- xorg
`-- tree.txt

39 directories, 500 files

Screenshot_2022-12-17_16-15-50 Screenshot_2022-12-17_08-02-55


my attempt at RPM chromebook install with Cras and Xorg with new kernels Screenshot_2022-12-17_08-13-54