This is the Vue 2.x port of vue-google-maps!
If you have used vue-google-maps with Vue 1.x before, refer to Upgrading.
npm install vue2-google-maps
Just download dist/vue-google-maps.js
file and include it from your HTML.
If you use this method, Vue 2.1.x is required.
See API.
Showcase with a lot of features
If you want to write google map this way :
:center="{lat:10, lng:10}"
style="width: 500px; height: 300px"
Or use the power of Vue.js within a google map like this:
style="width: 500px; height: 300px"
v-for="m in markers"
// New in 0.4.0
import * as VueGoogleMaps from 'vue2-google-maps';
import Vue from 'vue';
Vue.use(VueGoogleMaps, {
load: {
// libraries: 'places', //// If you need to use place input
export default {
data () {
return {
center: {lat: 10.0, lng: 10.0},
markers: [{
position: {lat: 10.0, lng: 10.0}
}, {
position: {lat: 11.0, lng: 11.0}
If you are using vue-router
, you may encounter the problem where
you see greyed-out areas because you haven't
triggered a resize
on the map after its visibility has changed.
You have two options:
Option A
(Version 0.5.0) Run Vue.$gmapDefaultResizeBus.$emit('resize')
For example, you can write the following to force all maps on your page to re-render:
watch: {
'$route'(to, from) {
// Call resizePreserveCenter() on all maps
If you wish to be more selective about which maps receive the resize
event, you can define resizeBus
individually on each map. (See API).
This will disconnect the map from Vue.$gmapDefaultResizeBus
Option B
Call vm.$refs.<YOUR_MAP_HERE>.resizePreserveCenter()
on every map
instance that you have
There is a non-comprehensive test for the DeferredReady mixin. More automated tests should be written to help new contributors.
Meanwhile, please test your changes against the suite of examples.
Improvements to the tests are welcome :)
Refer to the examples.
If you are not using any bundler, include vue-google-maps/dist/vue-google-maps.js
The library will be available in a global object called VueGoogleMap
However you will need to include Vue and Lodash beforehand:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="dist/vue-google-maps.js"></script>
<div id="root">
<gmap-map style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; left:0; top:0"
:center="{lat: 1.38, lng: 103.8}"
Vue.use(VueGoogleMaps, {
load: {
// libraries: 'places', //// If you need to use place input
new Vue({
el: '#root',
To enable any vue-google-maps
components you need to set your api token:
Vue.use(VueGoogleMap, {
load: {
v: '3.26', // Google Maps API version
// libraries: 'places', // If you want to use places input
The parameters are passed in the query string to the Google Maps API, e.g. to set the version, libraries, or for localisation.