
Setup Elasticsearch,Fluentd and Kibana (EFK)

Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes


NOTE: Namespace in the elasticstack has been changed to logging

In this repository, we will be setting up Elasticsearch, Kibana and then Fluentd


In this section, we will set up elastitc operator along with Elasticsearch and Kibana

Deploy ECK

Install custom resource definitions and the operator with its RBAC rules:

  • kubectl apply -f elastic/all-in-one.yaml
  • kubectl -n logging logs -f statefulset.apps/elastic-operator - Monitor the operator logs:

Deploy an Elasticsearch cluster

Apply a simple Elasticsearch cluster specification, with three Elasticsearch node:

  • Deploy elasticsearch: kubectl apply -f elastic/elasticsearch.yaml
  • Monitor cluster health and creation progress:
    • kubectl get elasticsearch -n logging
    • kubectl get pods -n logging --selector='elasticsearch.k8s.elastic.co/cluster-name=elasticsearch'

Deploy a Kibana instance

Specify a Kibana instance and associate it with your Elasticsearch cluster:

  • kubectl apply -f elastic/kibana.yaml
  • kubectl get kibana -n logging

Get elastic credentials:

Once elasticsearch has been deployed and is showing healthy, use the following command to retrieve password. These credentials will be used by both fluentd and beats:

  • export PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret elasticsearch-es-elastic-user -o go-template='{{.data.elastic | base64decode}}' -n logging)
  • echo $PASSWORD; echo

Deploy Fluentd

In this section, we will deploy fluentd (as a DaemonSet) which will also set up and index lifecycle management in Elasticsearch:

  • kubectl apply -f fluentd/fluentd.yaml

Index patterns

Before you can view logs in Kibana:

  • kubectl port-forward service/kibana-kb-http 5601 -n logging
  • Visit http://localhost:5601/ in your web browser
  • you will need to create a timestemp based index pattern logstash-*
  • Log in with user = elastic and password that you retrieved above


Test shipping of contaier logs

  • kubectl run pingpong --image alpine ping