
Code for standing up docker swarm infrastructure

Primary LanguageRuby

User story

  • As a DevOps team member I want to automate setting up of two nodes (either Ubuntu 18.04 or CentOS 7.4) with Vagrant for development purpose and configure them to form docker swarm mode.


  • Development machine is Windows 10
  • At least 8GB free RAM is available on your machine. Otherwise, you will need to edit Vagrantfile to adjust available RAM for your machine:
  • v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", <MEMORY_ALLOCATION>]
  • Instructions below assume working with Ubuntu and not CentOS folder


  • Install latest version of Git bash and/or GitHub Desktop
  • Install latest version of VirtualBox
  • Install latest version of Vagrant
  • Install Vagrant Host Manager plugin by running vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager in Git bash. This will update host files on both guest and host machines.
  • Generating a new SSH key if you do not already have one. This is required to ssh from node1 to node2
  • AWS credentials are available at "~/.aws/credentials" which should look like as follows. this will be required to run Terraform from node1:
    aws_access_key_id = <KEY>
    aws_secret_access_key = <SECRET>


  • Change directory to Ubuntu sub directory
  • Run vagrant up command which will setup a Docker swarm mode cluster; 1xMaster and 1xWorker
  • vagrant ssh node1 to log into the master node
    • cd /vagrant
    • docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose.portainer.yml portainer Use Portainer agent setup to deploy inside a Swarm cluster
    • docker stack services portainer List the services in the portainer stack
    • Portainer is available at http://node1:9000. Portainer documentation is here on github
  • vagrant ssh node2 to log into the worker node
  • Node1 will also have the following software installed:
    • Terraform v0.11.8 (See Prerequisites above)
    • Ansible v2.6.3 (As of writing this, 21/08/2018)

Clean up:

  • vagrant destroy --force destroy all VMs that were created above