For those using the School of Computing GPU Server, you may skip directly to training the networks step. The required anaconda environment has already been created for you, and the dataset has been pre-downloaded and prepared for you in advance. The following instructions explain how to reproduce the setup on a local computer.
For those wishing to run on a local computer:
- Ensure Anaconda has been installed on your device:
- during installation, make sure to select the option to add anaconda to your search path
- Create a tensorflow environment
- with GPU support
conda create -n createKerasEnv tensorflow-gpu
- CPU only
conda create -n createKerasEnv tensorflow
- Install other required packages
conda activate createKerasEnv
pip install pandas, scikit-learn, matplotlib, opencv-python
- Using terminal navigate to the directory where you would like to place your local copy of the repository.
cd C:/Users/SampleUser/Documents
- Clone the repository using git
git clone
Download links are password protected and will only be available until May 6th, 2022. Registered participants will receive the password via email on May 2nd, 2022.
Training data can be downloaded in 4 parts using the following links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Test data can be downloaded using the following link on May 5th, 2022: Test Data
Once all parts of the dataset have been downloaded for training, donwload code or clone this repository. Navigate to the location where the code is located and use the script to unpack and format your dataset. The script can be run by entering the following lines into your command prompt (replace all instances of UserName with your real username):
conda activate createKerasEnv
cd <path_to_repository>
python --compressed_location=C:/Users/UserName/Downloads --target_location=C:/Users/UserName/Documents/CreateChallenge --dataset_type=Train
To prepare the test set, follow the same steps, but change the --dataset_type flag to Test
If the code is executed correctly, you should see a new directory in your target location called either Training_Data or Test_Data. These directories will contain a set of subdirectories (one for each video) that contain the images. Within the main folder you will also see a csv file that contains a compiled list of all images and labels within the dataset. (Note: there will not be any labels for the test images).
Begin by activating your conda environment:
conda activate createKerasEnv
Next select which network you would like to run.
One baseline network has been provided for each subtask of the challenge:
Baseline network folder: Tool Recognition
Model: ResNet50
Inputs: single image
Outputs: (9,1) softmax output
Train the network (replace paths as necessary):
python C:/Users/SampleUser/Documents/Central_Line_Challenge/Tool_Recognition/ --save_location=C:/Users/SampleUser/Documents/toolRecognitionRun1 --data_csv_file=C:/Users/SampleUser/Documents/Training_Data/Training_Data.csv
--save_location: The folder where the trained model and all training information will be saved
--data_csv_file: File containing all files and labels to be used for training
--num_epochs_cnn: Number of epochs to run (int)
--validation_percentage: The percentage of data to be reserved for validation (float, range: 0-1)
--batch_size: Number of images to be processed per batch (int)
--cnn_learning_rate: Learning rate used for loss function optimization (float)
--balance_CNN_Data: Balance the number of samples from each class (bool, True or False)
--loss_function: loss function to optimize during training (str)
--metrics: metrics used to evaluate the model (str)
Baseline network folder: Tool Detection
Model: Faster-RCNN
Inputs: single image
Outputs: list of dictionaries with the form {'class': classname, 'xmin': int, 'xmax': int, 'ymin': int, 'ymax': int}
Train the network (replace paths as necessary):
python C:/Users/SampleUser/Documents/Central_Line_Challenge/Tool_Detection/ --save_location=C:/Users/SampleUser/Documents/toolDetectionRun1 --data_csv_file=C:/Users/SampleUser/Documents/Training_Data/Training_Data.csv
--save_location: The folder where the trained model and all training information will be saved
--data_csv_file: File containing all files and labels to be used for training
--num_epochs: Number of epochs to run (int)
--validation_percentage: The percentage of data to be reserved for validation (float, range: 0-1)
--batch_size: Number of images to be processed per batch (int)
--learning_rate: Learning rate used for loss function optimization (float)
--loss_function: loss function to optimize during training (str)
--metrics: metrics used to evaluate the model (str)
Baseline network folder: Task Recognition
Model: ResNet50 + Recurrent LSTM model
Inputs: sequence of consecutive images
Outputs: (10,1) softmax output
Train the network (replace paths as necessary):
python C:/Users/SampleUser/Documents/Central_Line_Challenge/Task_Recognition/ --save_location=C:/Users/SampleUser/Documents/taskDetectionRun1 --data_csv_file=C:/Users/SampleUser/Documents/Training_Data/Training_Data.csv
--save_location: The folder where the trained model and all training information will be saved
--data_csv_file: File containing all files and labels to be used for training
--num_epochs_cnn: Number of epochs to run in training the cnn (int)
--num_epochs_lstm: Number of epochs to run in training the lstm network(int)
--validation_percentage: The percentage of data to be reserved for validation (float, range: 0-1)
--batch_size: Number of images to be processed per batch (int)
--cnn_learning_rate: Learning rate used for loss function optimization for cnn (float)
--lstm_learning_rate: Learning rate used for loss function optimization for lstm network (float)
--balance_CNN_Data: Balance the number of samples from each class for training CNN (bool, True or False)
--balance_LSTM_Data: Balance the number of samples from each class for training LSTM (bool, True or False)
--loss_function: loss function to optimize during training (str)
--metrics: metrics used to evaluate the model (str)
--sequence_length: number of consecutive images used as a single sequence (int)
--downsampling_rate: number of frames to skip when generating training image sequences, used as a form of data augmentation (int)
Each network folder contains a script for generating the predictions on test data. This script is run the same way as the training scripts. For example:
python C:/Users/SampleUser/Documents/Central_Line_Challenge/Task_Recognition/ --save_location=C:/Users/SampleUser/Documents/taskDetectionRun1 --data_csv_file=C:/Users/SampleUser/Documents/Test_Data/Test_Data.csv
Each of these scripts will generate an individual csv file with the prediction results. Should you choose to attempt more than 1 sub-task you must combine these files into one single csv.