
A WordPress plugin that can store & display logs.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

WP Logs

A WordPress plugin that can store & display runtime log data. Logs data are stored in custom database table.

Save Log

Call the function do_action with appropriate parameter to store a log.


	// $source | string | a name from where the log is stored.
	'Example Plugin',

	// $message | string | log message.
	'{user} updated his profile',

	// $context | array | a data that can be replaced with placeholder inside message.
		'user' => 'Some User'

Register Log menu

One can register zero to multiple menu items to display logs. Unless parent_slug value is defined, the log will be displayed as a submenu under this plugins admin menu.

add_filter( 'swpl_menu_items', function( $menu_items ){

	$menu_items['my-example-logs'] = array(
		// Logs menu label
		'menu_title'  => __( 'Logs' ),

		// Logs page title.
		'page_title'  => __( 'Logs' ),
		// Label displayed on admin bar menu
		'bar_menu_title'  => __( 'Example Plugin' ),
		// You plugin's admin menu page name / slug
		'parent_slug' => 'example-plugin-options',
		// Log page access capability
		'capability'  => 'manage_options',
		// Limit showing logs from give sources
		'sources'     => array( 'Example Plugin' ),

	return $menu_items;

View Log

All logs can be viewed at Wp Admin > Logs page.


  • WordPress: 5.0
  • PHP: 5.7
  • Tested: 6.0.1