
Ghost default theme ported to vuepress

Primary LanguageVue

Casper Theme

Ghosts default theme Casper for Vuepress.


Install the npm package:

$ npm i vuepress-theme-casper --save
# or
$ yarn add vuepress-theme-casper

Adapt your vuepress config config.js:

module.exports = {
  title: 'Theme Title',
  description: 'Theme description',
  base: '/',
  theme: 'casper',
  head: [
    ['link', { rel: 'icon', href: '/favicon.png' }]
  markdown: {
    anchor: {
      permalink: false,
      permalinkBefore: false
  themeConfig: {
    cover: 'cover.jpg',
    logo: '/logo.png',
    nav: [{
      text: 'Home',
      link: '/'
    }, {
      text: 'Posts',
      link: '/posts'
    }, {
      text: 'Category',
      link: '/category/some-category'
    }, {
      text: 'Page',
      link: '/a-page.html'

    footer: [{
      text: 'Latest Posts',
      link: '/posts'
    }, {
      text: 'Facebook',
      link: 'https://facebook.com/'
    }, {
      text: 'Twitter',
      link: 'https://twitter.com'
    }, {
      text: 'Github',
      link: 'https://github.com/'
    social: {
      github: 'https://github.com',
      twitter: 'https://twitter.com',
      facebook: 'https://facebook.com',
      xing: 'https://xing.de',
      instagram: 'https://instagram.com',
      linkedin: 'https://linkedin.com'

Page/Post Parameters

The following parameters are available:

title: And when we woke up, we had these bodies.
image: https://picsum.photos/1920/1080/?random&date=2018-04-15
publish: 2018-04-15
type: post|page
  - toe-tappingly tragic
  - thanks to the Internet
  - futurama
readingTime: 10 Minutes

The post intro uses the <!-- more --> tag.


  • For simplicity this theme doesn't support multiple authors