
Find CRISPR spacers from phage genome

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Find CRISPR Spacers from Phage Genome Tool


This tool automates identifying CRISPR spacers from a given phage genome through BLAST searches against a genome database.


Run make install to install necessary Python dependencies and to set up the scripts. Ensure BLAST is installed on your system.

How to run spacePhage

  • Prepare your genome data in FASTA format in a folder (e.g., test_db).
spacePhage test.fasta test_db


  • The output is a CSV file (blast_results.csv) with the BLAST search results, including CRISPR spacers identified from the phage genome.

Running the scripts manually:


  • Python 3
    • brew install python3
  • NCBI's BLAST+ software
    • brew install blast
  • BioPython library
    • pip3 install biopython


1. Create a BLAST Database

  • Prepare your genome data in FASTA format in a folder (e.g., test_db).
  • Use createBlastDB.py to create a BLAST database from these FASTA files.
  • This script requires the path to your FASTA files folder and a name for the new BLAST database.
python3 createBlastDB.py -i test_db -o $DB

2. Analyze Phage Genome

  • Prepare your phage genome sequence in a FASTA file (e.g., test.fasta).
  • Use spacePhage.py to analyze the phage genome. This script splits the phage genome into 37-mers and performs a BLAST search against the database.
  • Provide the path to your phage FASTA file, the BLAST database, and an output CSV file name.
python3 spacePhage.py -p test.fasta -d $DB -o blast_results.csv