
Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


A todo list that syncs over devices with a [CP]ouchDB in the back.

The project

I liked Wunderlist as todo list. But I don't liked that they have my todos. So I only want to share my todos with my wife and over our devices. For this reason the web app should work on PCs as well as on IOS/ Android devices. I focused on webkit engines of latest version. For the syncing mechanism I use CouchDB, because I like the project and wanted to start with at least a small project. In addition to that I also wanted to start with CoffeeScript, because of the Python like syntax. The next thing I want to to try is to work with Python so now there is a commandline tool made with Python 3.4.

Needed programms

Used libraries

How to compile

Look at gulp tasks for more information.

first run

cd webapp
npm install
bower install

Did you checkout the git submodule?

if not do it now:

cd gulp
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd ..

quick during development

cd webapp
gulp build

polish for production

cd webapp
gulp build:prod

How to compile with your own hands

coffee -b -j js/todolist.js -c coffee/todolistmain.litcoffee coffee/GeneralBehavior.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.EntryInput.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.ListInput.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.ListsView.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.EntriesView.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.Configuration.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.TopBar.coffee

compass compile

or enable compile on file change with the build in watch funtions

coffee -b -j js/todolist.js -cw coffee/todolistmain.litcoffee coffee/GeneralBehavior.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.EntryInput.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.ListInput.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.ListsView.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.EntriesView.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.Configuration.coffee coffee/TodoListApp.TopBar.coffee &

compass watch &


For the indizies it is needed to create the following desing documents in your [CP]ouchDB

   "_id": "_design/todolist",
   "language": "javascript",
   "views": {
       "lists": {
           "map": "function(doc) {\n  if (doc.type == 'todolist')\n\temit(doc.created, doc.name)\n}"
       "entries": {
           "map": "function(doc) {\n   if (doc.type && doc[\"todolist-id\"] && doc.type == 'todoentry' )\n\temit(doc[\"todolist-id\"], doc.name) \n}"
       "checked_entries": {
           "map": "function(doc) {\n   if (doc.type && doc[\"todolist-id\"] && doc.type == 'todoentry' && doc.checked != null)\n\temit(doc.checked) \n}"