inTentsLending 1.0

What is inTentsLending?

inTentsLending is a web application that enables peer-to-peer sharing of camping gear. Often, campers, especially avid backpackers, do not have all the gear they need for a trip on their person. All the while, those who own camping gear often have their gear sitting in storage, unused. This project aimed to address that. Lenders may upload the gear they would like to lend out, while campers may search via their geolocation, brands, categories, keywords, and zipcode. Campers borrow desired items for a specific block of dates and confirm their return through the application. With the technology world's recent momentum in sharing economy, this application was inspired by collaborative consumption as a great way to live and consume sustainably, while also enjoying the wonderful outdoors.

Table of Contents


Backend: Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy
Frontend: Javascript, jQuery, AJAX, Jinja2, HTML5, CSS3
APIs: Google Maps Geolocation API, Google Maps Geocoding API
Deployment: TBA


From the homepage, the user can either register or login.

The passwords are hashed with bcrypt before they are stored in the database.

Once a camper logs in, the camper can see their dashboard, which geolocates the user. From here, the camper can search for gear. The search results will take a gear keyword, brand, category, or a desired zipcode.

The camper can click on each result icon to get basic info on the gear item in an info window. Underneath the info, there is the link to borrow.

The camper inputs the dates they would like to borrow the gear. They can then view their other borrowed gear in a photo carousel, and return from there.

The user could also go to the "Your Gear" tab and return their gear from there.

When the lender logs in, their dashboard consists of an option to upload new equipment,

And also view their equipment!

inTentsLending Version 2.0

In Version 2.0, there will be the ability to sign on using Facebook and GMail, so as to be able to lend and borrow through one's network to encourage trust and safety among borrows and lenders. There will also be a way to rate each gear item, the lender, as well as the borrower, so there is accountability among the users of this application.

About the Developer

Shilpa is a software engineer and Hackbright Academy graduate, with a background in public health and research. inTentsLending is her first fullstack web-application and she enjoyed every bit of it. Learning is a passion, and she is very grateful for the lessons learned through this project. Her favorite part was working with complex queries and developing a strong relational database with SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL. She enjoyed the ups and downs of creating this application and looks forward to coding more projects. Shilpa is excited to progress in her software engineering career as a fullstack developer, work on more projects, and learn as much as she can.
