
a League of Legends Discord bot that can monitor a list of summoners and send notifications using the Riot Games API

Primary LanguagePython

๐Ÿค– Blitzcrank Discord Bot

A League of Legends Discord bot that monitors specific players and tracks of their live games and ranked progress. Can also be used to track TFT ranked progress. Uses Riot Developer Key, with an optional TFT Developer Key



๐Ÿ“Œ Features

  • Monitors a list of summoners and sends a Discord embed when they join a game / finish a game
  • Spectate Button in embed to spectate games without being logged into League of Legends
  • Automatically edits the embed when the game finishes with the match duration and the KDA scoreboard
  • Monitors the summoners' LP loss and gains

Multisearch feature


Track LP Gain/Loss


๐Ÿ“‹ Instructions

To enable emoji support, follow instructions in /icondownloader in this repo

๐Ÿงท Requirements

  • Python
  • Riot API Key (obtained from Riot Developer Portal)
  • Discord Bot Token with INTENTS ENABLED