
Data file management and caching for GameMaker

Primary LanguageGame Maker LanguageOtherNOASSERTION

Cabinet 1.0.0

Data file management and caching for GameMaker

by @shdwcat

Using gumshoe by @jujuadams and @nkrapivin

Chat about Cabinet on the Discord server


Cabinet exists to help manage access to data files in GameMaker, including features like caching the contents of a file so that you only have to read it once, as well as being able to convert the raw file contents into something else useful, like converting a JSON file directly into a struct, or decoding binary data. Once you setup a Cabinet, you can simply access the contents of the files you want, without having to manage the reading or caching yourself.

Table of Contents


Cabinet was made with GameMaker 2022.3. It may be compatible with earlier versions of GameMaker (possibly with some manual tweaking).

Basic Usage

To get started, you'll create a Cabinet for a folder path. You can specify a specific file extension, in which case only files with that extension will be included in the cabinet. And you can also specify some more advanced options (see Cabinet Options below)

var cabinet = new Cabinet(folder_path, [extension], [options])

Once you've created the Cabinet, you can now inspect the tree variable, which contains a tree struct describing folders and files within the folder_path for the Cabinet, and the flat_map variable, which is a flat struct of just the files. The values in the tree and the flat_map are CabinetFile structs which provide access to further details and functionality.

For example, you could get the CabinetFile for the first file that was found like so:

var first_path = cabinet.file_list[0];
var cabinet_file = cabinet.file(first_path);

And then read the contents with:

var contents = cabinet_file.tryRead();

Caching is enabled by default, so the first time you call tryRead() the file will be read from disk, but the second time you call it, tryRead() will returned the value from the cache that was stored after the first call. This can be helpful if you find yourself needing to read the same file from different places in code, without being sure if you've loaded it yet.

Advanced Usage

Simply caching the file contents is nice, but if you're working with anything more complex than simple text, you're going to want to turn that text into game data that you can use.

To get Cabinet to do this automatically, you'll want to specify a file_value_generator in the Cabinet Options:

// passing "" as the folder_path will scan all files in the /datafiles folder, as it is the default directory when reading files in GameMaker
var json_cabinet = new Cabinet("", ".json", {
	file_value_generator: function(text, cabinet_file) {
		var data = json_parse(text);
		return data;

Now our json_cabinet will automatically parse the raw JSON text of any file into a struct with json_parse(), when reading the file. This means that when we ask for the file contents, we'll get that struct instead of a string:

var json_data = cabinet_file.tryRead();
// json_data will be the struct that was parsed by json_parse() in the file_value_generator function provided in the options

Just getting the struct is nice, but you could also then pass that data to a GML constructor function:

	file_value_generator: function(text, cabinet_file) {
		var data = json_parse(text);
		var enemy_definition = new EnemyDefinition(data);
		return enemy_definition;

Remember, when caching is enabled, the value will only be generated once. The file_value_generator function will run the first time the data is read from disk, and after that .tryRead() will return the result of that function, which is what was stored in the cache.



function Cabinet(folder_path, extension = ".*", options = undefined) constructor


  • folder_path (string) The path of the folder that Cabinet should scan for files
  • extension (string, optional) The extension of the file type that should be included in the cabinet.
  • options (struct, optional) The options to use for this cabinet. See Cabinet Options.


  • tree (struct) Tree structure corresponding to the folders and files that were found in scanned folder. The keys are the names of the folders/files. The value for a folder key will be a struct with more folders and files within it. The value for a file key will be a CabinetFile providing data and functions for the actual file on disk.
  • flat_map (struct) Similar to the tree variable, except the keys will be the full paths of every file in the Cabinet, and each value will be the corresponding CabinetFile.
  • file_list (string array) A flat array with the full path of every file in the Cabinet.


  • file(path) - Returns the CabinetFile for the path if it exists in the Cabinet, otherwise undefined will be returned.
  • readFile(path) - Returns the content of the file at the path if it exists in the Cabinet, otherwise undefined will be returned (the content can be customized by providing a file_value_generator in the Cabinet Options).
  • clearCache() - Clears all cached data for the Cabinet
  • rescan() - Rebuilds all of the Variables for this Cabinet by scanning the folder_path again.


You don't need to create CabinetFiles yourself as they are created automatically by a Cabinet.


  • fullpath (string) the full path to the associated file
  • directory (string) the path of the directory containing the file
  • file (string) the name of the file, including the extension
  • extension (string) just the extension of the file
  • file_id (string) the name of the file, without the extension
  • scan_time (datetime) when the file was scanned by the Cabinet, either on creation or by calling rescan()
  • read_time (datetime) the time when the file was read and cached, or undefined if it has not been read and cached yet


  • tryRead() - Returns the content of the associated file (the content can be customized by providing a file_value_generator). If the file has been cached, the cached value will be returned, otherwise, the file will be read from disk (and possibly parsed), if it still exists on disk, otherwise undefined will be returned.
  • tryLoad() - If the file exists on disk, it will be read, possibly parsed, cached and returned. Otherwise undefined will be returned. Note: The file will be cached even if the cache-reads option is false.
  • tryScanLines(match_line)- (Advanced) This function will read the associated text one line at a time, and call the provided match_line(line) function. If the match_line function returns a value, that value will be returned by tryScanLines(), otherwise the next line will be read. If no line was matched, undefined will be returned.
    • NOTE: This function is only valid when the read_mode option is set to "string". See Cabinet Options.
    • TIP: This function can be useful for quickly reading 'header' information from a long file without actually needing to read the whole file into memory.

Cabinet Options

When calling the Cabinet constructor, you can pass a struct specifying the following options to use for that Cabinet.

  • cache_reads (boolean, default: true) - Whether to cache the contents of a file after reading it from disk.

  • read_mode ("string" or "binary", default: "string") - Whether to read the raw file content as a string or as a binary buffer.

    • This affects the type of the first parameter in the file_value_generator function option.
  • file_value_generator (function(content, cabinet_file), default: undefined) - Function to convert the raw file content to a custom value of your choice (and implementation).

    • When read_mode is "string" the content parameter of the function will be the file content as a string.
    • When read_mode is "binary" the content parameter of the function will be the file content as a gml buffer.
    • The CabinetFile is provided as the second parameter of the function, in case any of the information in it is useful.
  • cabinet_file_customizer (function(cabinet_file), default: undefined) - Function that is called when the Cabinet scans the folder_path for files and creates CabinetFiles.

    • Here you can set additional values on the cabinet_file parameter as may be helpful. For example, you might want to call tryScanLines() to read header information from the file and store that data on the cabinet_file for future reference.


Cabinet utilizes the gumshoe library by @jujuadams to scan files on disk, and therefore a version of that code is included in this project. If you're already using gumshoe in your project, make sure to replace it with the Cabinet version when importing the Cabinet package.