Allows you to get the actual price of bitcoin once a week. The receipt of the price is ensured by the sending of the postal letter To subscribe, you must drop any amount of money into the subscription subscription.
contract id: 0x275e653b369755a02d1a12528129904e2d8f3c56
Smart Contract Bitcoin push some events:
- updatePrice start update price task
- newBitcoinPrice (Push event Bitcoin Price)
- newBitcoinPriceLess (Push event Bitcoin Price Less than last price)
- newBitcoinPriceEquals (Push event Bitcoin Price Equals than last price)
- newBitcoinPriceMore (Push event Bitcoin Price More than last price)
- newOraclizeQuery (Push event log Oraclize request)
- newBTCPrice (Push event with new price & subscriber)
- Install Truffle globally.
npm install -g truffle
- Install npm modules
npm install
- Deploy contract (Default contract deployed into test net Robsten)
- Run App
- Test contract