A simple Flask app to be put into a Docker container for use as a testbed while doing some Kubernetes work.
The initial version of the Docker file is based on this blog post.
Development Virtenv
The name of the development vm is dofl37.
Activate like this ...
. ./dofl37/bin/activate
Using the virtualenv.pyz instead of installing virtualenv properly due to weirdness arising from the way I have 3.7 installed on the development vm.
The target python is 3.7 which is installed at /usr/local/bin/python3.7 on the development vm.
Docker Cheat Sheet
$ docker build -t dkr-flsk .;docker image ls;
$ docker container ls --all
$ docker rm abdd314c875c
$ docker container ls --all
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -d dkr-flsk
$ docker container ls --all
Docker perms
When working on a new development machine for the first time remember to add the current user to the 'docker' group.
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
And exit your ssh session and reconnect before attempting a docker build