Membaman is a membership management system intended for Youth and Sports Groups.
Its intended scope includes :
- Membership registration within Organisations and sub-organisations
- Invoicing and tracking of payments for regular payments
- Production of PDF's to support the invoicing process
- Production of CSV downloads to allow data transfer out of Membaman to other systems
- Ability to email members and members caregivers with both regular and ad-hoc emails
Membaman is implemented in Django 1.7 and uses a Posgres database as a data repository. To date it has only been tested in Python 2.7.x .
If you're new to Python and / or Django here are some things which you will need to consider to run membaman. This is not intended as a step-by-step guide but rather an outline of areas you will need to deal with. I'm happy to provide more detailed information for anyone who wishes to run their own installation but who is not well versed in Python / Django.
- I have only ever run membaman on Linux and so while you're welcome to try Windows/Mac you'll be entering new territory. In theory it should all work but there are small pieces of Python which work in one way for Windows and another way for Unixy type envs. If you are a Windows person one option is to run Ubuntu within VirtualBox, there are of course plenty of other options.
- I can't remember whether the excellent pip is installed by default within modern Pythons but if not you're going to want to install it and there are directions [here] ( for doing that.
- Using the Python VirtualEnv facility makes life so much easier as you can create your own virtualenv to run membaman within and then be confident that nothing will mess with your environment and vica versa. While we're on virtualenv the virtualenvwrapper is an excellent adjunct to it but certainly optional.
- Create a virtualenv with a name of your choosing and ensure it is active while doing the next step (and whenever you make use of membaman).
- Now (with your virtualenv activated) make use of pip and the requirements.txt within this repository to automatically install everything you need to make membaman work.
- Now - you're almost there ! You need a Postgres instance accessible from where membaman will be run. I'm going to leave how you get that for another iteration of edits. Of course being Django there's no need for it to be Postgres but that's what I've used to date. For small local installations SQLite might be an interesting option but would require testing.
- Lastly you need to create your own version of [] ( with settings that are relevant to your own environment .
TODO: Review how initial data needs to be setup within membaman.
The version of bookkeeper used as at Dec 2014 is taken from as there are some Django 1.7 specific fixes which I've made and which haven't yet been applied to the main repos at SwingTix/bookkeeper .
The version of django-feedback used as at Feb 2015 is taken from .
To facilitate the use of Selenium I installed Xvfb
sudo apt-get install xvfb
Then I installed Firefox
sudo apt-get install firefox
Then I installed PyVirtualDisplay
sudo pip install pyvirtualdisplay
After that, without explicitly starting xvfb, I was able to run a test script, courtesy of, such as
from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
from selenium import webdriver
display = Display(visible=0, size=(800, 600))
# now Firefox will run in a virtual display.
# you will not see the browser.
browser = webdriver.Firefox()
print browser.title
As of August 2015 this script no longer worked so I'm going to record here what I've done to try to make it work again as part of a broader effort in order to make Selenium be able to be used in Membaman.
I came across problems when trying to invoke the line in the above script which reads as follows
browser = webdriver.Firefox()
In looking into that problem I came across this script and so I tried that
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.webdriver import FirefoxBinary
import pyvirtualdisplay
binary = FirefoxBinary()
with pyvirtualdisplay.Display(visible=True):
if True: # Set to False to use Chrome...
driver = webdriver.Firefox(None, binary)
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
Running that code resulted in a request to install 'xephyr'. When I tried to do that there no longer seems to be a package called xephyr but there is a xserver-xephyr so I installed that.
sudo apt-get install xserver-xephyr
Using autoenv
to set a ENV VAR of SECRET_KEY when we cd into membaman. Longer term need a better solution.
Use printenv to confirm the SECRET_KEY is set correctly.
Note to self: using dj17
as virtualenv
python runserver --settings=membaman.settings.local