
jQuery Scratch Pad Plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A jQuery plugin to mimic a scratch card or pad behaviour. Allowing you to scratch off an overlay as either a color or image.

Related Plugins


Available options with notes, the values here are the defaults.

    width           : 210,                  // set width - best to match image width
    height          : 100,                  // set height - best to match image height
    image           : 'images/slide1.jpg',  // set image path
    image2          : null,                 // set overlay image path - if set color is not used
    color           : '#336699',            // set scratch color - if image2 is not set uses color
    overlay         : 'none',               // set the type of overlay effect 'none', 'lighter' - only used with color
    size            : 10,                   // set size of scratcher
    realtimePercent : false,                // Update scratch percent only on the mouseup/touchend (for better performances on mobile device)
    scratchDown     : null,                 // scratchDown callback
    scratchUp       : null,                 // scratchUp callback
    scratchMove     : null,                 // scratcMove callback
    cursor          : null                  // Set path to custom cursor


Include the following files:

<script type="text/javascript" src="./wScratchPad.js"></script>
<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./wScratchPad.css" />

percent scratched

    scratchDown: function(e, percent){ console.log(percent); },
    scratchMove: function(e, percent){ console.log(percent); },
    scratchUp: function(e, percent){ console.log(percent); }

updat eon the fly

var sp = $("#wScratchPad").wScratchPad();

sp.wScratchPad('width', '200');
sp.wScratchPad('image', './images/winner.png');
sp.wScratchPad('image2', './images/scratch-to-win.png');
sp.wScratchPad('cursor', './cursors/coin.png');

custom cursor:

You can init the scratch pad with a custom cursor by setting a path to an image using the cursor option.



$('#elem').wScratchPad('enabled', <boolean>);



MIT licensed

Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Websanova http://www.websanova.com