The port version of Bukkit Essentials for PocketMine-MP Software.
EssentialsPE does not officially provide compatibility with Modded PocketMine-MP server software.
Compatibility can be found with most PocketMine based softwares, but issues might occur. (Report in Issues)
We try to keep the master branch stable, but do not complain if it happens to not be.
- Start working over THIS.
- Update to
- Add Developers API documentation.
- Add Special Signs documentation.
- Implement Messages API (Multi-language update)
- Implement Online-Player Checking to prevent crashes
- Customizable API
- Optimize commands' code
- Add Development channel
- Implement "better version" checking
- Implement Commands:
- Balance.
- BalanceTop.
- Eco.
- Pay.
- Sell.
- SetWorth.
- Worth.
- Test the commands.
- Implement Economy Signs:
- Trade. (Might not be implemented)
- Buy.
- Sell.
- Balance.
- BalanceTop.
- Test Economy Signs.