Bubble Chat UI in swift using auto layout
Simplely make an array using custom data class. and it will automatically display everything.
#How to use 1.Import LynnBubbleTableView folder. (14 files)
2.Add a tableview in your storyboard or xib whatever, and change custom class from UITableView to LynnBubbleTableView in identity inspector
3.Connect IBOulet in your view controller.
4.set custom datasource. (self.tbBubbleDemo.bubbleDataSource = self)
5.You only need 2 datasource function.
func numberOfRowsForBubbleTable(bubbleTableView: LynnBubbleTableView) -> Int {
return self.arrChatTest.count
func bubbleTableView(bubbleTableView: LynnBubbleTableView, dataAtIndex: Int) -> LynnBubbleData {
if let data:LynnBubbleData = self.arrChatTest[dataAtIndex] {
return data
}else {
return LynnBubbleData()
6.that's it
#Data Initialize
- If data type is mine, use LynnBubbleDataMine class initializer
- If data type is someone, use LynnBubbleDataSomeone class initializer
- If data contains only text or local image, use init method start with (userID).
- If data contains remote image, use init method start with (imageUrl).
4-1. You can set placeholder and load failure image.
4-2. If you want to use default placeholder and load failure image, please import "message_loading" and "message_loading_fail" image from imageAsset.
LynnBubbleDataMine(userID: "123",userNickname: "me" , profile: nil, text: "my message", image: nil, date: NSDate())
LynnBubbleDataSomeone(userID: "234", userNickname: "you", profile: UIImage(named: "ico_girlprofile"), text: "someone message", image: nil, date: NSDate())
LynnBubbleDataMine(userID: "123",userNickname: "me" , profile: nil, text: nil, image: local Image, date: NSDate())
LynnBubbleDataSomeone(imageUrl: "http://remote image address", userID: "234", userNickname: "you", profile: UIImage(named: "ico_girlprofile"), date: NSDate())
#Configuration self.tbBubbleDemo.someoneElse_grouping = true // default is true self.tbBubbleDemo.header_scrollable = true // defaut is true. false is not implement yet. self.tbBubbleDemo.header_show_weekday = true // default is true self.tbBubbleDemo.refreshable = true // default is false self.tbBubbleDemo.show_nickname = true // default is false
#Convinience Function self.tbBubbleDemo.scrollBubbleViewToBottom(true) // true will animate func bubbleTableView (bubbleTableView:LynnBubbleTableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) // optional, call when bubble cell did selected func bubbleTableViewRefreshed(bubbleTableView:LynnBubbleTableView) // optinal, call when bubble view triggered refresh action. please set self.tbBubbleDemo.refreshable = true when you use.
#Copy Right do it whatever you want, but please don't remove top of the 7 comment lines :)
Thanks for helping GwaNi in MACBUGI
It is my first public library. Hope it will be helpful