
A Holistic Approach to Automatic Mixed-Precision Code Generation and Tuning for Affine Programs

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

We presents a holistic approach–PrecTuner–by closely coupling the code generator and the autotuner via only one parameter $r$ . Initialized by automatically sampled values, $r$ is first used to generate several code variants in the polyhedral model, combining this optimization with loop transformations. These code variants are then used to solve a performance model expressed in terms of $r$ , possibly under a quality degradation budget. The value of $r$ that produces the best-performing mixed-precision code is finally predicted without evaluating all code variants.

The usage of PrecTuner is as follows:

Usage: lnlamp file [options] ...

  -s|--specify-output   specify the target file
  -r|--rate-array       specify the rate-array of profiling (default is:0 12 25 37 50 62 75 87 99)
  -e|--error-threshold  specify the error-threshold (default is:99999999999999999999)
  -v|--version          lnlamp version
  -t|--tile             lnlamp specify the tile-sizes(default none) in PPCG
  -o|--openmp           lnlamp specify uses the --openmp in PPCG, and multi-threads(default is:4) running.
  -a|--sched-algo       lnlamp specify the schedule-algorithm to isl|feautrier|no in PPCG, default is isl
  -i|--isl-flags        lnlamp specify the flags in isl library of PPCG,default is null

  lnlamp hello.c -s hello_lnlamp.c

  lnlamp <source-file> [Options] <target-file>

It is worth mentioning that all the experimental data in this article were obtained using this tool. In order to better test our method, we embedded the experimental test sub-module (polybench_benchmark) in this tool and encapsulated the testing process into a corresponding script so that our peers can quickly reproduce our experimental process.

Install the PrecTuner separately :

# prepare
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ git vim make bc python python3-pip
sudo apt install automake autoconf libtool pkg-config libgmp3-dev libyaml-dev libclang-dev llvm clang
pip install pandas numpy matplotlib

cd /home/sheen/
mkdir lnlamp-install
git clone https://github.com/sheenisme/lnlamp.git

cd lnlamp/
./configure --prefix=/home/sheen/lnlamp-install

make install

For further installation help please refer to: https://repo.or.cz/ppcg.git.

Docker :

We provide a \texttt{dockerfile}(\url{https://github.com/sheenisme/lnlamp/blob/master/Dockerfile}) file for quick installation, but this installation is not recommended given the instability of performance testing in virtual machines.

It is important to note that we \textbf{highly recommend using the Dockerfile to install and use our environment}, even if you want to experiment on a local machine(the operating system we recommend is Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS - Linux 5.15.0-67-generic) to get stable performance data, the installation steps are recommended to follow the steps described in the dockerfile, and if you want to use a custom path, it is currently recommended to use a soft link(\texttt{ln -s /your\_dir /home/sheen}) for the purpose. We provide a Dockerfile(https://github.com/sheenisme/lnlamp/blob/master/Dockerfile) file for quick installation.

Reproducing our experiments :

System configuration:

  Cpu   : Intel i5 processor (recommended)
  Gpu   : NVIDIA RTX 2070    (recommended)
  Os    : Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS (recommended)
  Gcc   : 9.4.0  (recommended)
  Clang : 12.0.1 (recommended)
  Memory: Recommended 32G and above
  Disk  : Greater than 256G (artifact need about 124G)

As for the computational artifact of this work(https://github.com/sheenisme/lnlamp.git), it implements automatic code generation based on PPCG(http://ppcg.gforge.inria.fr/), and on Python and Shell scripts for automatic tuning, which closely coupling the code generator and the autotuner via only one parameter $r$ .

So, To reproduce the data in the paper, see the code repository-polybench_benchmark(https://github.com/sheenisme/polybench_benchmark.git)

And, the Artifact is publicly available on 10.5281/zenodo.10275776: https://zenodo.org/records/10275776.

Note: The default installation path for all tools in this version of artifact is under '/home/sheen' and there is hard code for this path in the script code, we recommend soft linking your custom folder to '/home/sheen' so you can use it quickly and correctly. We also recommend that all users try installing with a dockerfile first, so that even if you have to install locally, you can refer to the docker image for help with some issues.

PPCG descriptions:

The following is the ppcg author's description: Requirements:

If you are installing on Ubuntu, then you can install the following packages:

automake autoconf libtool pkg-config libgmp3-dev libyaml-dev libclang-dev llvm

Note that you need at least version 3.2 of libclang-dev (ubuntu raring). Older versions of this package did not include the required libraries. If you are using an older version of ubuntu, then you need to compile and install LLVM/clang from source.


Grab the latest release and extract it or get the source from the git repository as follows. This process requires autoconf, automake, libtool and pkg-config.

git clone git://repo.or.cz/ppcg.git
cd ppcg


make check

If you have installed any of the required libraries in a non-standard location, then you may need to use the --with-gmp-prefix, --with-libyaml-prefix and/or --with-clang-prefix options when calling "./configure".

Using PPCG to generate CUDA or OpenCL code

To convert a fragment of a C program to CUDA, insert a line containing

#pragma scop

before the fragment and add a line containing

#pragma endscop

after the fragment. To generate CUDA code run

ppcg --target=cuda file.c

where file.c is the file containing the fragment. The generated code is stored in file_host.cu and file_kernel.cu.

To generate OpenCL code run

ppcg --target=opencl file.c

where file.c is the file containing the fragment. The generated code is stored in file_host.c and file_kernel.cl.

Specifying tile, grid and block sizes

The iterations space tile size, grid size and block size can be specified using the --sizes option. The argument is a union map in isl notation mapping kernels identified by their sequence number in a "kernel" space to singleton sets in the "tile", "grid" and "block" spaces. The sizes are specified outermost to innermost.

The dimension of the "tile" space indicates the (maximal) number of loop dimensions to tile. The elements of the single integer tuple specify the tile sizes in each dimension. In case of hybrid tiling, the first element is half the size of the tile in the time (sequential) dimension. The second element specifies the number of elements in the base of the hexagon. The remaining elements specify the tile sizes in the remaining space dimensions.

The dimension of the "grid" space indicates the (maximal) number of block dimensions in the grid. The elements of the single integer tuple specify the number of blocks in each dimension.

The dimension of the "block" space indicates the (maximal) number of thread dimensions in the grid. The elements of the single integer tuple specify the number of threads in each dimension.

For example,

{ kernel[0] -> tile[64,64]; kernel[i] -> block[16] : i != 4 }

specifies that in kernel 0, two loops should be tiled with a tile size of 64 in both dimensions and that all kernels except kernel 4 should be run using a block of 16 threads.

Since PPCG performs some scheduling, it can be difficult to predict what exactly will end up in a kernel. If you want to specify tile, grid or block sizes, you may want to run PPCG first with the defaults, examine the kernels and then run PPCG again with the desired sizes. Instead of examining the kernels, you can also specify the option --dump-sizes on the first run to obtain the effectively used default sizes.

Compiling the generated CUDA code with nvcc

To get optimal performance from nvcc, it is important to choose --arch according to your target GPU. Specifically, use the flag "--arch sm_20" for fermi, "--arch sm_30" for GK10x Kepler and "--arch sm_35" for GK110 Kepler. We discourage the use of older cards as we have seen correctness issues with compilation for older architectures. Note that in the absence of any --arch flag, nvcc defaults to "--arch sm_13". This will not only be slower, but can also cause correctness issues. If you want to obtain results that are identical to those obtained by the original code, then you may need to disable some optimizations by passing the "--fmad=false" option.

Compiling the generated OpenCL code with gcc

To compile the host code you need to link against the file ocl_utilities.c which contains utility functions used by the generated OpenCL host code. To compile the host code with gcc, run

gcc -std=c99 file_host.c ocl_utilities.c -lOpenCL

Note that we have experienced the generated OpenCL code freezing on some inputs (e.g., the PolyBench symm benchmark) when using at least some version of the Nvidia OpenCL library, while the corresponding CUDA code runs fine. We have experienced no such freezes when using AMD, ARM or Intel OpenCL libraries.

By default, the compiled executable will need the _kernel.cl file at run time. Alternatively, the option --opencl-embed-kernel-code may be given to place the kernel code in a string literal. The kernel code is then compiled into the host binary, such that the _kernel.cl file is no longer needed at run time. Any kernel include files, in particular those supplied using --opencl-include-file, will still be required at run time.

Function calls

Function calls inside the analyzed fragment are reproduced in the CUDA or OpenCL code, but for now it is left to the user to make sure that the functions that are being called are available from the generated kernels.

In the case of OpenCL code, the --opencl-include-file option may be used to specify one or more files to be #include'd from the generated code. These files may then contain the definitions of the functions being called from the program fragment. If the pathnames of the included files are relative to the current directory, then you may need to additionally specify the --opencl-compiler-options=-I. to make sure that the files can be found by the OpenCL compiler. The included files may contain definitions of types used by the generated kernels. By default, PPCG generates definitions for types as needed, but these definitions may collide with those in the included files, as PPCG does not consider the contents of the included files. The --no-opencl-print-kernel-types will prevent PPCG from generating type definitions.

GNU extensions

By default, PPCG may print out macro definitions that involve GNU extensions such as typeof and statement expressions. Some compilers may not support these extensions. In particular, OpenCL 1.2 beignet 1.1.1 (git-6de6918) has been reported not to support typeof. The use of these extensions can be turned off with the --no-allow-gnu-extensions option.

Processing PolyBench

When processing a PolyBench/C 3.2 benchmark, you should always specify -DPOLYBENCH_USE_C99_PROTO on the ppcg command line. Otherwise, the source files are inconsistent, having fixed size arrays but parametrically bounded loops iterating over them. However, you should not specify this define when compiling the PPCG generated code using nvcc since CUDA does not support VLAs.

CUDA and function overloading

While CUDA supports function overloading based on the arguments types, no such function overloading exists in the input language C. Since PPCG simply prints out the same function name as in the original code, this may result in a different function being called based on the types of the arguments. For example, if the original code contains a call to the function sqrt() with a float argument, then the argument will be promoted to a double and the sqrt() function will be called. In the transformed (CUDA) code, however, overloading will cause the function sqrtf() to be called. Until this issue has been resolved in PPCG, we recommend that users either explicitly call the function sqrtf() or explicitly cast the argument to double in the input code.


For bug reports, feature requests and questions, contact http://groups.google.com/group/isl-development

Whenever you report a bug, please mention the exact version of PPCG that you are using (output of "./ppcg --version"). If you are unable to compile PPCG, then report the git version (output of "git describe") or the version number included in the name of the tarball.

Citing PPCG

If you use PPCG for your research, you are invited to cite the following paper.

@article{Verdoolaege2013PPCG, author = {Verdoolaege, Sven and Juega, Juan Carlos and Cohen, Albert and G'{o}mez, Jos{'e} Ignacio and Tenllado, Christian and Catthoor, Francky}, title = {Polyhedral parallel code generation for CUDA}, journal = {ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim.}, issue_date = {January 2013}, volume = {9}, number = {4}, month = jan, year = {2013}, issn = {1544-3566}, pages = {54:1--54:23}, doi = {10.1145/2400682.2400713}, acmid = {2400713}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, }