
Ktor OpenAPI/Swagger 3 Generator

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ktor OpenAPI Generator

The Ktor OpenAPI Generator is a library to automatically generate the descriptor as you route your ktor application.

Ktor OpenAPI Generator is:

  • Modular
  • Strongly typed
  • Explicit

Currently Supported:

  • Authentication ineroperability with strongly typed Principal (OAuth only, see TestServer in tests)
  • Content Negociation interoperability (see TestServer in tests)
  • Custom response codes (as parameter in @Response)
  • Automatic and custom content Type routing and parsing (see com.papsign.ktor.openapigen.content.type, Binary Parser and default JSON parser (that uses the ktor implicit parsing/serializing))
  • Exception handling (use .throws(ex) {} in the routes with an APIException object) with Status pages interop (with .withAPI in the StatusPages configuration)
  • tags (.tag(tag) {} in route with a tag object, currently must be an enum, but may be subject to change)
  • Parameter Parsing (see basic example), /!\ only supports primitive types currently, needs to be put up to openapi specification.

It is inspired by ktor Locations, but makes no use of it.

Take a look at the wiki for advanced features and mechanics



Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.papsign:Ktor-OpenAPI-Generator:-SNAPSHOT'

Git Submodule

Install the submodule:

git submodule add https://github.com/papsign/Ktor-OpenAPI-Generator.git openapigen

Declare the folder in settings.gradle:

include 'openapigen'

Declare the dependency in the main build.gradle

apply plugin: 'kotlin'


dependencies {
    compile project(":openapigen")


Basic Example:

apiRouting {

    //bare minimum, just like Ktor but strongly typed
    get<StringParam, StringResponse> { params ->

    route("inine").get<StringParam, StringResponse>(
        info("String Param Endpoint", "This is a String Param Endpoint"), // A Route module that describes an endpoint, it is optional
        example = StringResponse("Hi")
    ) { params ->

    route("block") {
        // use Unit if there are no parameters / body / response
        post<Unit, StringUsable,  StringUsable>(
            info("String Post Endpoint", "This is a String Post Endpoint"),
            exampleRequest = StringUsable("Ho"),
            exampleResponse = StringUsable("Ho")
        ) { params, body ->
// Path works like the @Location from locations, but for transparency we recommend only using it to extract the parameters
data class StringParam(
    @PathParam("A simple String Param") val a: String,
    @QueryParam("Optional String") val optional: String? // Nullable Types are optional

// A response can be any class, but a description will be generated from the annotation
@Response("A String Response")
data class StringResponse(val str: String)

// DTOs can be requests and responses, annotations are optional
@Response("A String Response")
@Request("A String Request")
data class StringUsable(val str: String)

Creates this openapi.json description:

      "title":"Test API",
      "description":"The Test API",
         "description":"Test server",

               "description":"A simple String Param",
               "description":"Optional String",
            "summary":"String Param Endpoint",
            "description":"This is a String Param Endpoint",
                  "description":"A String Response",

               "description":"A simple String Param",
               "description":"Optional String",
            "summary":"String Post Endpoint",
            "description":"This is a String Post Endpoint",
               "description":"A String Request",
                  "description":"A String Response",











Full Example:

object Basic {

    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        embeddedServer(Netty, 8080, "localhost") {
            //define basic OpenAPI info
            install(OpenAPIGen) {
                // basic info
                info {
                    version = "0.0.1"
                    title = "Test API"
                    description = "The Test API"
                    contact {
                        name = "Support"
                        email = "support@test.com"
                // describe the server, add as many as you want
                server("http://localhost:8080/") {
                    description = "Test server"
                schemaNamer = {
                    //rename DTOs from java type name to generator compatible form
                    val regex = Regex("[A-Za-z0-9_.]+")
                    it.toString().replace(regex) { it.value.split(".").last() }.replace(Regex(">|<|, "), "_")

            install(ContentNegotiation) {

            // normal Ktor routing
            routing {
                get("/openapi.json") {

                get("/") {
                    call.respondRedirect("/swagger-ui/index.html?url=/openapi.json", true)

            //Described routing
            apiRouting {

                //bare minimum, just like Ktor but strongly typed
                get<StringParam, StringResponse> { params ->
                route("inine").get<StringParam, StringResponse>(
                    info("String Param Endpoint", "This is a String Param Endpoint"), // A Route module that describes an endpoint, it is optional
                    example = StringResponse("Hi")
                ) { params ->

                route("block") {
                    // use Unit if there are no parameters / body / response
                    post<Unit, StringUsable,  StringUsable>(
                        info("String Post Endpoint", "This is a String Post Endpoint"),
                        exampleRequest = StringUsable("Ho"),
                        exampleResponse = StringUsable("Ho")
                    ) { params, body ->


    // Path works like the @Location from locations, but for transparency we recommend only using it to extract the parameters
    data class StringParam(
        @PathParam("A simple String Param") val a: String,
        @QueryParam("Optional String") val optional: String? // Nullable Types are optional

    // A response can be any class, but a description will be generated from the annotation
    @Response("A String Response")
    data class StringResponse(val str: String)

    // DTOs can be requests and responses, annotations are optional
    @Response("A String Response")
    @Request("A String Request")
    data class StringUsable(val str: String)

For an advanced example with most of the features, see the tests.