
A plugin for custom Exhibit layouts in Omeka

Primary LanguagePHP

Plugin for Omeka that adds custom layouts to Exhibit Builder 3.x. All layouts are somewhat responsive (galleries will be one item per row for smaller screens).

NAL Titlebar: Adds a colored bar with the item's title above the item's caption.

NAL Image Gallery: Provides the option to automatically output Title, Date, Description, and Transcription in the caption area. Also allows a size to be set when attaching only a single image (which will be centered)

NAL Sidebar List: Adds a list of items and their titles below the Exhibit navigation. Requires adding nal_exhibit_builder_render_exhibit_sidebar to the nav div of yourtheme/exhibits/show.php and replacing the page render function with nal_exhibit_builder_render_exhibit_page. Only works with themes which show navigation in a sidebar!

NAL Movie Gallery: Outputs two Moving Image items per row.