
RH-Skiplist : Range-Hash Skiplist for DRAM-PM Memory Systems

Primary LanguageC++

RH-Skiplist : Range-Hash Skiplist for DRAM-PM Memory Systems

RH-Skiplist is new indexing sturcture with skiplist and hash for hybrid memory system.
original_skiplist contains baseline which we referred.
skiplist_pmem contains porting version of skiplist for Intel Optane persistent memory.
To port, we used PMDK(https://pmem.io/pmdk/) which version is 1.7.
range_skiplist contains essential files of RH-skiplist.

Detailed design, implementation and experiment result is shown in report(https://github.com/sheepjin11/computer_archi/blob/master/RH_skiplist_report.pdf).

If you have questions, please contact via heejin5178@gmail.com or sheepjin11@gmail.com.