
On demand presto cluster with mesos, marathon and docker.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Deploying presto with docker/marathon/mesos



  • mesos cluster
  • marathon >= 0.7.5 (tested with marathon 0.7.5, should work with >= 0.70)
  • some data accessible by presto
  • a web/FTP server (anything accessible via curl)
  • a private docker registry

Software used



docker pull sheepkiller/presto-marathon

Then, create a tarball containing your catalog properties files, located in a directory called "catalog", and put it in a place where curl can grab it. Here's an example for jmx

mkdir catalog
echo "connector.name=jmx" > catalog/jmx.properties
tar zcvf catalog.tar.gz catalog
scp catalog.tar.gz my.server:

Let's play !

Please see examples/deploy_presto.json... As you can see, there's 4 mandatory environment variable to set:

  1. CATALOGS_URL : where to find catalog.tar.gz
  2. MARATHON_APPNAME : application name which must match args in your json
  3. MARATHON_APPGROUP : applications group which must match group in id
  4. MARATHON_URL : which must match your marathon master URL

You can also set JVM options via environment variables


Or some presto configuration


Or UUID (uuid is generated at runtime)


If you need more tuning, modify confd files (presto-marathon-docker/docker/presto/confd)

Start cluster

curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @deploy_presto.json http://my.marathon.master:8080/v2/groups

Destroy cluster

 curl -X DELETE http://my.marathon.master/v2/groups/presto

presto CLI

  • via docker exec (docker >= 1.3.0) (you
$ docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash
[container]# ./bin/presto  \
              --server \
              $(curl -sSfLk -m 10 -H \
                'Accept: text/plain' ${MARATHON_URL}/v2/tasks | \
                 egrep ^${MARATHON_APPGROUP}_meta_coordinator | \
                 awk 'NF == 3 {printf("http://%s"), $NF}')
  • from anywhere: configure and use
sh connect.sh

Has been tested on bridged networks.


  • multiple concurrent execution should work if you change group name (didn't test)


  • Better discovery "code"
  • Better catalog handling
  • Maybe split /${MARATHON_APPGROUP}/meta in 2: discovery & coordinator (or merge coordinator and discovery)
  • Allow integration with etcd/consul (supported by confd)
  • HA for marathon master
  • handler more presto configuration options