
A Small KNN Application in PyGame for Education

Primary LanguagePython


Three small applications showing KNN, KMeans and NaiveBayes Classifier

This Script can be started having pygame.

When the tool is started the following keys can be used:

= KNN =

Numbers 1-4: Place a labeled point on the current mouse position

Key a - Area Draw - Display a Grid with coloured points regarding their assigned label Key l - DrawLines - Display the Label Assignment for the Current Mouse Position as well as the lines to the k-Neigbours

Key +/- Increase/Decrease k

= KMeans =

Numbers 1: Place a data point on the current mouse position Numbers 2: Place a cluster startpoint point on the current mouse position Key s: Run the Algorithm Key c: Clear

= Naive Bayes =


Additionally use the Key p to flicker the borders based on a random number generated absed on the class probabilities