
Multidimensional Lightweight Map ontop of SQLite

Primary LanguagePython


This is a small topping for sqlite3 with a very simple syntax to store and get data. The main reason I build this is to hold a lot of data without a schema in one place and query it according to my analysis needs.

It is probably not the most efficient way to do such a thing and I put it together in only a few hours but it works.

    bt = MDMap(':memory:')

    bt.insert(1, "user_id", "roberts user id")
    bt.insert(1, "name", "Robert")
    bt.insert(1, "address", "Address Robert")

    bt.insert(2, "user_id", "tims user id")
    bt.insert(2, "name", "Tim")
    bt.insert(2, "address", "Address Tim")

    bt.insert(3, "country", "Africa")
    bt.insert(3, "population", "2")

    bt.insert(4, "country", "Europe")
    bt.insert(4, "population", "1")

    result = bt.select("SELECT user_id, address WHERE name=Robert")

    self.assertEqual(1, len(result))

    result_dict = dict(result[0])
    self.assertTrue(u'row' in result_dict)
    self.assertTrue(u'user_id' in result_dict)
    self.assertTrue(u'address' in result_dict)

    self.assertEqual('roberts user id', result_dict[u'user_id'])
    self.assertEqual('1', result_dict[u'row'])
    self.assertEqual('Address Robert', result_dict[u'address'])

    result = bt.select("SELECT country, population WHERE population != 1")
    self.assertEqual(1, len(result))

    result_dict = dict(result[0])
    self.assertTrue(u'row' in result_dict)
    self.assertTrue(u'country' in result_dict)
    self.assertTrue(u'population' in result_dict)

    self.assertEqual('3', result_dict[u'row'])
    self.assertEqual('Africa', result_dict[u'country'])
    self.assertEqual('2', result_dict[u'population'])

    result = bt.select("SELECT country,population")
    self.assertEqual(2, len(result))