

This is just a normal Rust app. Run cargo run and you should be good!


In order to run this, two environmental variables must be set.

  1. DISCORD_TOKEN, A Discord bot token to listen for messages (the message content intent must be enabled, should only be in one bridge channel)
  2. WEBHOOK_URL, A Discord Webhook URL to send messages on

Why is this needed?

This is needed because

  1. Serenity doesn't work on the 3DS
  2. I don't feel like making my own Discord message listener
  3. My school's firewall blocks Discord.com

What is sent and received?

Sent Received Handled Purpose
HELLO3DS HELLO3DS The 3DS will finish the handshake. A handshake for the 3DS to ensure the stream is working.
SEND<message> SENT The proxy will send a Discord message, <message>. The 3DS can send a message through the proxy.
GET NONE or MESSAGE<message> The proxy will either reply with NONE if there is no message, or MESSAGE with a message if there is a message. It will display it if there is a message. The 3DS will spam the proxy with these requests asking if there is a message.