- Introduction
- Requirements
- Installation
- Running the emulator
- Reporting issues
- Submitting fixes
- Copyright
- Footnotes
JFTSE is an open source project for the game Fantasy Tennis based on AnCoFT.
Its is based on AnCoFT, because back then, I started writing a private server as well, due to my lack of experience in that topic I abandoned it, in that time.
I'm really thankful that AnCoFT started that project as well and reversed the structure of how packets are working etc. and released it! Due to him I could continue and use/utilize packet sniffs I made back then (which has more stuff than AnCoFT project)
Like the title says, it's a server emulator and written in Java.
It is completely open source; community involvement is highly encouraged.
Since it's cross-platform I will not provide download links otherwise I will bloat this. If you use Windows then download them for Windows. If for Linux then download them for Linux.
Name | Version |
JDK / OpenJDK | 15 / 15 |
Maven | ≥ 3.6.3 |
MySQL | 8.0 |
Any Java capable IDE 1 | Any Version |
Fantasy Tennis Thai | 1.706 |
- Also you need a Git CLI or GUI. Doesn't matter which one.
Note: If under Windows, Maven & JDK has to be configured in your PATH variable.
git clone -b master git://github.com/sstokic-tgm/JFTSE.git
This will clone master branch, this is the RECOMMENDED branch for starters.
cd <path to the recently cloned project>
mvn clean install
This will compile and build the core.
To update the core files, do the following:
cd <path to the cloned project>
# For master branch
git pull origin master
Afterwards you can build the emulator:
mvn clean install
Before you run it the first time, please execute2 the SQL file create_fantasytennis.sql located inside sql/create/.
Build the emulator and run it via:
cd target
java -jar ft_server_emulator.jar
Or you run it from inside your Java IDE if using one.
The emulator will do his first time initialization and the process will take some time. It loades static data like products of the shop etc.
When it says
Emulator successfully started!
Then the initialization was successful and the server is running.
Before you start to play, you have to do 3 more things:
- Execute2 the SQL file gameservertype.sql located inside sql/insert/ (execute this first!)
- Execute2 the SQL file gameserver.sql located inside sql/insert/
- Create2 an account inside the Account table. e.g:
INSERT INTO `fantasytennis`.`Account`(`ap`, `gameMaster`, `password`, `status`, `username`) VALUES (0, b'1', 'test', 0, 'test');
You run the emulator via:
cd target
java -jar ft_server_emulator.jar
License: GPL 3.0
Read file LICENSE.