
Resources for doing NLP in Polish

Awesome Polish NLP

Resources for doing NLP in Polish

If you'd like to contribute, please edit this document. You can do it directly from GitHub (if you're logged in).



  • morfologik-stemming (BSD-3) - dictionary based, doesn't support out-of-vocabulary words.
  • stempel (Apache-style) - seems ancient, but working; can handle some out-of-vocabulary words.
  • pystempel (mixed) - Python port of stempel with improved stemming tables.
  • Estem - Erlang wrapper (not port) for Stempel stemmer.
  • pl_stemmer - a Python stemmer based on Porter's Algorithm.
  • polish-stem - a Python stemmer using Finite State Transducers.

Know some other stemmer? Please open an issue.

Linguistic multitool

  • morfologik - stemmer, morphology analyser, grammar analyser, autocompleter
  • psi-toolkit - stemmer, morphology analyser, grammar analyser, many others
  • spaCy - framework for Industrial-Strength NLP in Python with models for Polish (from Sigmoidal and from IPIPAN)

Other lists




To the extent possible under law, Adam Stankiewicz has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.