# Kotlin #

1. Function, Class, Println, Variable, Constant
2. Kotlin Classes Example
3. Operators, String Template
4. Loops :
        - ifElse, ifElse Expression, ElseIf etc
        - for loop : until, reversed, skip of, downTo
        - forEachLoop
5. String Operations : Equals, ==, null values
6. Lists(Int, String, Objects), Array
7. Maps
        - Maps,
        - Filters, Mapping
8. Passing Params, Single line methods, Default Params
9. Kotlin to Java to Kotlin
       - Calling Java Code from Kotlin Functions
       - Calling Kotlin Functions from Java Class
       - file Jvm Name (My Class Name)
10. Conversion between Int, Double
11. Exception handling, Try Catch Finally, Try as an Expression
12. Extension Function, Infix Function - method created outside class
13. Constructors - Primary, Secondary
14. OOPs - Abstract
15. OOPs - Inheritance - Override, Constructor in Inheritance
16. OOPs - Interface
17. Recursion, Big Integers
18. Classes and Objects
    18.1 Data Class - POJO, De Structuring objects, Copy objects
    18.2 Object Expression / Singleton class
    18.3 Anonymous Classes
    18.4 Companion Objects / Static methods
    Pending: Aliases, Inner Classes, Sealed classes, Delegation -?
19. User input, Scanner, Backtick Escape Character
20. Other Features