# WebDriver 4 + Testng + Page Factory Framework + Extent Report + Logger
Prod Bug
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hlp2uBzxJjQ&t=942s
# Features:
1. POM Page factory
2. Parallel running
3. ThreadLocal
4. Rerun failed cases using IRetryAnalyzer, ITestListener (Listeners)
5. Take Screenshot on Test Failure using ITestListener
6. Reporting - Extent Report
7. Logging

# How to run framework:
Option 1: command line: single/multiple xml can be given
mvn clean test -DsuiteXmlFile=testng.xml
mvn clean test -DsuiteXmlFile=testng_listeners.xml
mvn clean test -DsuiteXmlFile=testng_parallel.xml

mvn clean test -DsuiteXmlFile="demo_seq.xml"
mvn clean test -DsuiteXmlFile="testng_listeners.xml"
mvn clean test -DsuiteXmlFile="testng_parallel.xml"
mvn clean test -DsuiteXmlFile="demo_list2.xml" -Ddriver="firefox"


Option 2: manually from testng.xml(Right click and run)
No report generated in target folder


To generate extent report xml should have <listeners> values
Pls note we are using listeners code from utils/listeners package, not from others/listeners


//input[@id='abc' and @name='xyz'] 


Locating Element on a Page
B.Class Name
C.Tag Name
E.Link Text
F.Partial Link Text
I.JAVA Script


# Best Practices For Efficient Test Automation
1. Avoid using Thread.sleep
   Use implicit, explicit, fluent waits
2. Name the Test Cases & Test Suites Appropriately  
3. Maximize the Browser Window
4. Choose the Best-Suited Web Locator
5. Create a Browser Compatibility Matrix for Cross Browser Testing
   Check which browser get max traffic 
6. Implement Logging and Reporting
7. Use Design Patterns and Principles i.e. Page Object Model (POM)
# Avoid
1. File download
2. Captcha
3. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
4. Avoid Test Dependency
5. Performance Testing
6. Try not to automate everything
   Automate which can be maintained and always run 100%
   80-20 rule (Pareto principle)