php library for reading and writing to a buffer. Personal use is for reading and writing packets, can be used for many things.
This project was supposed to help me build a structured packet for sending to a server and then unpack the recieved packet into human readable format.
This is currently a work in progress and it is one of my first attempts at writing a full and independant php library/class. There are some issues with readstring and writestring. Im also not sure how to approach unicode strings, so it is a very basic function for readwstring and writewstring
include "writebuffer.php";
include "readbuffer.php";
$fieldlength = 2;
$writeBuf = new writeBuffer();
$writeBuf->writeString('this is a test', $fieldlength);
$bytes = '\0x05\0xf1\0x12\0xff\0x05\0xf1\0x12';
$writeBuf->writeBytes($bytes, strlen($bytes));
echo $writeBuf->getBuf();
$readbuf = new readBuffer($writeBuf->getBuf());
echo '<br>' . $readbuf->readByte();
echo '<br>' . $readbuf->readLong();
echo '<br>' . $readbuf->readShort();
echo '<br>' . $readbuf->readString();
echo '<br>' . $readbuf->readBytes(strlen($bytes));