
USFD submission code for Semeval 2016 Task 6, Subtask B

Primary LanguagePython


Resources related to the Sheffield NLP group submission to the SemEval 2016 Stance Detection task.

Tokenised tweets are stored in files for quicker access, they can generated with find_tokens.py or downloaded from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o3o2khkj4sszf2w/AAD-pWB-8p7ZJsV81ibimlrEa?dl=0 If downloaded, save them in main folder. A pre-trained autoencoder model is also saved in that folder.

Official stance data is available via https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o8789zsmpvy7bu3/AABRja7NDVPtbjSa-y3GH0jAa?dl=0 and collected unlabelled tweets are stored in https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7i2zdnet49yb1sh/AAA_AzN64JLuNlfU5pt69W8ia?dl=0

Current data sizes:

  • Unlabelled tweets: 395212
  • Donald Trump tweets: 16692
  • Official labelled tweets: 44389
  • Overall 129887 tokens (25166072 tokens including singletons), 12583160 with phrase model

bow_baseline.py runs a bow baseline, extracting 1-gram and 2-gram bow features, with end-to-end evaluation using the official eval script.

The method deep() in autoencoder.py trains the autoencoder. After the autoencoder is trained, autoencoder_eval.py contains methods for training methods which use the autoencoder for feature extraction, also with end-to-end evaluation:

  • extractFeaturesAutoencoder() extracts features by applying the autoencoder to the tweets. If the parameter "cross_features" is set to "true", features are also extracted from the targets (setting "cross_features" to "true" is currently discouraged). If the parameter is set to "added", target features are added to tweet features.
  • extractFeaturesAutoencoderBOW() extract features using the autoencoder and bow

After training, model(s) can be trained with:

  • train_classifiers() in bow_baseline.py for training two 2-way classifiers (on topic vs. off topic, positive vs. negative)
  • train_classifier() in bow_baseline.py for training one 3-way classifier (neutral vs. pos vs. neg). If parameter "debug" is set to "true", an additional file with probabilities is printed.

The folder "output" contains output of different methods, _results.txt contains a summary of the results with explanation.

Best results for Hillary holdout (with phrase autoencoder and targetInTweet, saved in out/out_best.txt) currently:

  • FAVOR precision: 0.3250 recall: 0.1111 f-score: 0.1656
  • AGAINST precision: 0.5709 recall: 0.8499 f-score: 0.6830
  • Macro F: 0.4243

Best results for Hillary holdout with bow (bow_phrase_anon + targetInTweet + hash + emoticons)

  • FAVOR precision: 0.2373 recall: 0.1197 f-score: 0.1591
  • AGAINST precision: 0.6348 recall: 0.5573 f-score: 0.5935
  • Macro F: 0.3763)

Feature options:

  • "auto_false": autoencoder, encode target
  • "auto_added": autoencoder, encode target + tweet
  • "auto_true" autoencoder, encode target + tweet, outer product between target and tweet vector
  • "bow": standard bow features
  • "bow_phrase": bow features, stopwords removed, preprocessed with phrase model
  • "targetInTweet": is target contained in tweet
  • "emoticons": emoticon classification
  • "affect": use affect gazetteer
  • "hash": neut/pos/neg hashtag detection, one hashtag per target
  • "w2v": start with neut/pos/neg hashtags for targets, find similar words/phrases with w2v.

W2V model and best autoencoder model are trained on all tweets, stopwords removed, preprocessed with phrase recognition model