
Implement an in-process cron scheduler that accepts a job and executes it periodically.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

node-cronelda (telda-coding-challenge)

Implement an in-process cron scheduler that accepts a job and executes it periodically.


node-cronelda is a simple lightweighted (zero-dependencies) scheduler that runs scheduled jobs based on provided intervals similar to cron-jobs. The scheduler is able to handle multiple synchronous and asynchronous jobs' executions concurrently. node-cronelda works by spawning a child process which executes the jobs provided without blocking the main thread by communicating with the parent process following IPC.

It simply works by importing Scheduler class in your main code.

const Scheduler = require("./Scheduler");

Then you create an object represents the job you need to run, and add it to the Scheduler. Below is a simple code snippet illustrating.

    const job = {
      name: "job 1",
      time: "1s",
      execution: () => {
    const scheduler = new Scheduler(); // Create an instance from Scheduler
    scheduler.addJob(job); // Add the above job to the Scheduler
    scheduler.start(); // Starts executing the job

If you need to stop executing the jobs, just call the following method.


How node-cronelda works

  1. The client code initializes the Scheduler
    const scheduler = new Scheduler();
  2. The client adds the jobs' data to the client using either addJob or addBulkJobs methods.
    scheduler.addJob(job); //or scheduler.addBulkJobs(jobs)
  3. The client calls start method of the scheduler to start executing the jobs.
  4. Upon calling start method, the scheduler emits an event called start-scheduler where upon emitting this event, the Scheduler calls an auxiliary method called startScheduler.
     this.on("scheduler-start", () => {
         `SCHEDULER: ---Starting scheduler--- {${new Date().toLocaleString()}}`
  5. The startScheduler method spawns a child process which runs the daemon, which is responsible for executing and stopping the jobs in the scheduler.
    startScheduler() {
     if (!this._isRunning) {
       this._daemonProcess = fork(this._daemonPath);
  6. Then, the scheduler converts the execution functions in the jobs added in step.2 to a string form, and sends them as a message of type get-jobs-data to the child process using IPC.
    const jobsToSend = this._jobs.map((job) => {
         job.execution = job.execution.toString();
         return job;
         type: "get-jobs-data",
         data: jobsToSend,
  7. The daemon keeps listening for messages, and when it receives a message of type get-jobs-data, it converts the jobs' execution functions into its normal form and add it to its _jobs list.
    const Job = require("./Job");
    let _jobs = new Map();
    process.on("message", (message) => {
      switch (message.type) {
        case "get-jobs-data":
          if (message.data) {
            try {
              message.data?.forEach((job) => {
                var execution = new Function("return " + job.execution)();
                  new Job(job.name, job.time, execution, job?.options)
            } catch (error) {
              process.send("get-jobs-error", error);
  8. Back to the startScheduler method in Scheduler.js. After sending the data to the daemon, the scheduler instructs the daemon to start executing the jobs.
         type: "run-jobs",
    this._daemonProcess.on("message", (message) => {
         if (message === "daemon-isRunning") {
           this._isRunning = true;
  9. The daemon receives the run-jobs message and starts running the jobs using startDaemon() method, and sends a message to signal that the daemon is currently running to update the status of the scheduler to running
    case "run-jobs":
       if (_jobs.size > 0) {
         console.log("DAEMON: -----Starting Daemon-----");
  10. startDaemon() method calls job.execute() method of each job received from the Scheduler
    function startDaemon() {
        try {
        Array.from(_jobs.values()).forEach((job) => {
      } catch (error) {
        process.send("job-failed", error);
  11. When the client wants to stops the daemon from running, they must call the following method in their source code
  12. stop() method emits an event called scheduler-stop which calls stopScheduler auxiliary method.
    this.on("scheduler-stop", () => {
      console.log("SCHEDULER: ---Stopping scheduler---");
  13. stopScheduler method will send a message to the daemon to stop running the jobs, and wait for a reply with daemon-stopped in order to terminate the daemon process and set the scheduler to running = false
stopScheduler() {
 if (this.isRunning()) {
     type: "stop-jobs",
   this._daemonProcess.on("message", (message) => {
     if (message === "daemon-stopped") {
       this._isRunning = false;
         `SCHEDULER: ---Stopped scheduler---  {${new Date().toLocaleString()}}`
  1. The daemon will receive the stop-jobs message and calls stopDaemon() method, which will clear the interval IDs of each job.
case "stop-jobs":
   console.log("DAEMON: -----Stopping Daemon-----");
   console.log("DAEMON: -----Stopped Daemon-----");
function stopDaemon() {
  Array.from(_jobs.values()).forEach((job) => {
  1. job.stopJob() method will emit an event stop-job, which will clear the intervalId or timeoutId and set the _intervalId of the job to null value
    this.on("stop-job", () => {
      this._intervalId = null;

Job Class

This represents a scheduled task with a name, execution function, and time interval.

constructor arguments

  • name: represents unique name of the job.
  • time: represents time interval of the job. (e.g. 1s, 30m, 1hr 25m, 2d) Limit: ~~ 25d
  • execution: represents the function that runs during executing the job.
  • options? (optional): an optional object that takes property once if you wanted to run the job only once (default=false).


    name: "job 1",
    time: "5s",
    execution: () => {
    options: {
      once: true,

Allowed time intervals

In Parser.js, there is a function converts time expressions like 1h 10m to a single integer to be understood by the setTimeout or setInterval methods. Currently these are the allowed expressions.

 * allowed expressions:
 * 1. "s" -> seconds
 * 2. "m" -> minutes
 * 3. "h" -> hours
 * 4. "d" -> days
 * 5. "w" -> weeks
 * 6. "M" -> months
 * 7. "y" -> years

You can write 1hr 10m 25s which will be converted to an interval of 4225000

Note: due to nature of setInterval() and setTimeout, the maximum expression allowed is 25 days (See limitations section below)

Technical Reasonings

  1. I decided to delegate running jobs to another module called daemon which runs in a child process whenever the Scheduler's start() method is called.

    Why did I go with this approach?

    • I faced a problem with clearing the timeouts of the tasks whenever I call scheduler.stop(), since it keeps waiting for the last task to finish its callback, then terminates. Unlike using a separate child process which will terminate the process directly.
    • In addition, this approach will guarantee us that the main thread will not be blocked by any CPU Intensive jobs running.
  2. I decided to use the EventEmitter API by Node.js to adapt a publisher-subscriber pattern where I can perform specific actions upon listening to specific events. For example, start running the Scheduler, stopping the Scheduler, executing the jobs in the daemon,...etc.


  1. Upon sending a Job object from the Scheduler to the daemon child process, it serializes the object being sent internally while JSON doesn't support serializing Functions.

    JSON doesn't support serializing functions (at least out of the box). You could convert the function to its string
    representation first (via function.toString()) and then re-create the function again in the child process.
    The problem though is you lose scope and context with this process, so your function really has to be standalone. 

    This left me with an option to convert the execution method of the Job to a string form, and convert it back to its actual form in the daemon process upon receiving the Job object.

  2. Adding process.stdout.write() when trying to log the current time and job's name before execution resulted in overflow of the logs between the asynchronous jobs and each other. Sometimes it is not stable, since we cannot expect the behavior of the Event loop.

    Instead I emitted events before execution and after execution of the job's task.

      exec = this._execution();

And inside each event listener for the above events, I logged the time and job's name which signaled these events.

    this.on("start-executing", () => {
        `[${new Date().toLocaleString()}] Job {${this.getName()}}: started executing `
      this._isExecuting = true;
    this.on("finished-executing", () => {
        `[${new Date().toLocaleString()}] Job {${this.getName()}}: finished executing `
      this._isExecuting = false;

Example usage

Code snippet - One job runs once

const Scheduler = require("./Scheduler");

function main() {
  try {
    const job = {
      name: "job 1",
      time: "5s",
      execution: () => {
        console.log("job single run");
      options: {
        once: true,
    const scheduler = new Scheduler();
  } catch (error) {



Code snippet - Add a job while scheduler already running

const Scheduler = require("./Scheduler");
const jobsBulk = [
    name: "job 1",
    time: "5s",
    execution: () => {
    options: {
      once: true,
function main() {
  try {
    const scheduler = new Scheduler();
    //Add `job 2` 9 seconds after starting the scheduler
    setTimeout(() => {
        name: "job 2",
        time: "2s",
        execution: () => {
          return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
            setTimeout(() => {
              console.log("hello world async after 2 seconds");
            }, 2000);
    }, 9000);
  } catch (error) {



Code snippet - multiple jobs running together then shutdown after 15 seconds

const Scheduler = require("./Scheduler");
const jobsBulk = [
    name: "job 1",
    time: "5s",
    execution: () => {
      console.log("hello world synchronous");
    options: {
      once: false,
    name: "job 3",
    time: "6s",
    execution: () => {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          console.log("hello world async after 2 second ");
        }, 2000);
function main() {
  try {
    const scheduler = new Scheduler();
    //Add `job 2` 9 seconds after starting the scheduler
    setTimeout(() => {
        name: "job 2",
        time: "2s",
        execution: () => {
          return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            setTimeout(() => {
              console.log("hello world async after 1 seconds");
            }, 1000);
    }, 9000);
//Shutdown after 15 seconds
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 15000);
  } catch (error) {



To be improved

  1. Support cron expressions in time. e.g. (* * * * * *)
  2. Support persisting the jobs metadata either on local storage or a database (MongoDB, Redis)
  3. Support configuring the Scheduler to run automatically when server reboots (depends on number 2)
  4. Add CI/CD Pipeline to run tests in pull requests.
  5. Support running the daemon in detached mode, which keeps running the jobs even if the parent process is terminated.


  1. Maximum interval can be added to a job is the maximum delay parameter accepted by setInterval or setTimeout which is 2147483647ms, approximately 25 days. If you added longer interval than the max, it will be automatically set to the maximum interval.
  2. When the Scheduler sends the jobs' data to the daemon, the execution function of each job is stringfied. Thus, it loses its this context. So, the execution function of the job must be standalone-function for now.