Business background with work experience.Passionate about software development and mastering C.Future focus: iOS and mobile app development.
Berlin, Germany
Pinned Repositories
ft_printf is a 42 school project that involves implementing a custom version of the C standard library's printf function. This project helps you understand variable argument lists and formatting options while creating a flexible and efficient output function for future projects.
Get Next Line is a 42 school project focused on reading from a file descriptor one line at a time. It improves your understanding of dynamic memory management and file I/O in C
Libft is a foundational project from the 42 programming school that involves creating a personal library of C functions. It includes custom implementations of string manipulation, memory management, and linked list functions. This library serves as a toolkit for future projects and helps strengthen your understanding of C programming.
"Minitalk is a 42 school project focused on creating a communication system using signals. It enhances your understanding of process communication and signal handling in C
Philosopher is a 42 school project that simulates the dining philosophers problem. It enhances your understanding of concurrency and synchronization in C by managing threads and resource sharing among multiple philosophers
Push Swap is a 42 school project where you optimize the sorting of a stack using limited operations. This project sharpens your algorithm skills and requires efficient use of two stacks to minimize the number of moves.
shehanish's Repositories
ft_printf is a 42 school project that involves implementing a custom version of the C standard library's printf function. This project helps you understand variable argument lists and formatting options while creating a flexible and efficient output function for future projects.
Get Next Line is a 42 school project focused on reading from a file descriptor one line at a time. It improves your understanding of dynamic memory management and file I/O in C
Libft is a foundational project from the 42 programming school that involves creating a personal library of C functions. It includes custom implementations of string manipulation, memory management, and linked list functions. This library serves as a toolkit for future projects and helps strengthen your understanding of C programming.
"Minitalk is a 42 school project focused on creating a communication system using signals. It enhances your understanding of process communication and signal handling in C
Philosopher is a 42 school project that simulates the dining philosophers problem. It enhances your understanding of concurrency and synchronization in C by managing threads and resource sharing among multiple philosophers
Push Swap is a 42 school project where you optimize the sorting of a stack using limited operations. This project sharpens your algorithm skills and requires efficient use of two stacks to minimize the number of moves.