Laravel - Next.js Monorepo


  1. General Considerations
  2. Backend: click to read info related to Backend implementation
  3. Frontend: click to read info related to Frontend implementation

General Considerations


This task is Docker-based. docker-compose.yml file is the main entrypoint for that.

It consists of PHP/Laravel based Backend, Typescript/NextJS based Frontend and Nginx sitting in front.

To spin up, run docker compose up -d. This starts all 3 containers.

Logs of both containers via docker compose logs command: e.g. docker compose logs -f php. stdout and stderr is redirected here. Particularly useful to observe "submit" operation log.

Before starting containers, it is recommended for Host machine to have $MYUID and $MYGID env vars, pointint to Host user-id and group-id, respectively. This will make sure internal php and node accounts have the same IDs as Host user, to avoid permission errors. If not set, default value for both will be set to 1000.

This setup was tested on Linux environment (which is the main production deployment env). Not tested on Mac or Windows.

Web Access

Nginx will bind itself to Host's 3000 and 8000 ports. Through these ports, you can access node and php containers' web interfaces, respectively.

http://localhost:3000 >>> node, i.e. main web interface

http://localhost:8000 >>> php, i.e. PHP backend API (BFF)


Read on Backend and Frontend readme's now for detailed info.