
Saylani SMIT Morden Web Development Syllabus

Web & Mobile App Development

Module 1: Web Designing

Pre-requisites Matriculation
Duration 2 Months - 48 Hours
Quizzes 1. HTML5
2. CSS3
Hackathon After completion


Module 2: Front-End Development

Pre-requisite Module 1
Duration 4 Months – 96 Hours
Quizzes 1. JS1 (Chapter 1 to 20)
2. JS2 (Chapter 21 to 40)
3. JS3 (Chapter 41 to 60)
4. JS4 (Chapter 61 to 89)
5. TypeScript
6. Git
Hackathon After completion


  • JavaScript

  • Advanced Javascript (All ES Versions)

    • Variable Scoping
    • Closure
    • Template literals
    • Destructuring
    • Default parameters
    • Rest parameter
    • Spread Operator
    • Arrow functions
    • Enhanced object literals
    • Iterators & For..of
    • Generators
    • Modules
    • Map
    • Array methods
    • Higher-order function
    • CallBack
    • Promises
    • Exponentiation Operator
    • Ternary Operator
    • Optional chaining
  • Object-oriented programming (OOPs)

    • Classes
    • Object and Instance
    • Overview of following
      • Abstraction
      • Inheritance
      • Polymorphism
      • Data Abstraction and Encapsulation
    • OOP in Typescript (Optional)
      • TypeScript introduces static typing and additional features that enhances OOP like public/protected/private access modifiers etc.
  • TypeScript

    • TS Compiler
    • Type Annotations
    • Interfaces
    • Generics
    • Enums
    • Type Inference
    • Union and Intersection Types
    • Type Guards
    • Decorators
  • Advance Github

    • Branches
    • PR
    • PR review
    • Merge
    • Rebase
    • Cherry Pick
  • Firebase

    • Authentication
      • Email
      • Phone
      • Google
    • Firestore
    • Storage
  • PWA (Progressive Web Applications)

Module 3: Modern Front-End Development

Prerequisites Module 1, 2
Duration 3 Months – 72 Hours
Quizzes 1. ReactJS
2. NextJS + React Native
Hackathon After completion


  • ReactJS ( CRA, Vite )

  • Tailwind CSS

  • Material UI

  • AntD

  • NextJS (App Router)

    • Folder Based Routing
    • Server and Client Components
    • Theory of Dynamic Routes and Dynamic vs Static Pages
    • What is CSR, SSR, SSG, ISR and AMP
  • Firebase (Connection)

  • React Native (Android)

Module 4: Back-End App Development

Prerequisites Module 2
Duration 3 Months – 72 Hours
Quizzes 1. NodeJS + ExpressJS
2. MongoDB
3. PostgreSQL
Hackathon After completion


  • NodeJS
    • ExpressJS
      • Basic Routes
      • Database Connection
      • CRUD
      • Authentication
      • Middleware
      • Protected Routes
    • File System module
    • NestJS
  • MongoDB
    • CRUD
    • Queries
  • JWT
  • WebSocket
  • Bcrypt
  • Cloudinary
  • GraphQL
  • PostgreSQL
    • CRUD
    • Queries
  • Sequelize
  • Payment Integration
    • Stripe
    • Paypal