How to Create Sequelize Database Models with TypeScript

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Generate the Sequelize Model

To create a database model named Todo with attributes title (string) and completed (boolean), use the following command:

npx sequelize-cli model:generate --name Todo --attributes title:string,completed:boolean

2. Convert Files to TypeScript

After generating the model, update the file extensions to TypeScript:

  • Rename the migration file *-create-todo.js to *-create-todo.ts in the migration directory.
  • Rename the model file todo.js to todo.ts in the models directory.

3. Run Migrations

Execute the migration command to apply changes to your database:

pnpm run db:migrate
# or
npm run db:migrate


  • Ensure your tsconfig.json is configured correctly to compile TypeScript files.
  • Adjust Sequelize typings or configurations in TypeScript as per your project requirements.

How to Create Seeders

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Generate the Sequelize Seeders

To create a seeder named User, run the following command:

npx sequelize-cli seed:generate --name demo-user

This will create a new file in the seeders directory.

2. Modify the Seeders

  1. Navigate to the seeders directory.
  2. Rename the generated JavaScript file to a TypeScript file (change .js to .ts).
  3. Open the file and add the necessary data for seeding.