Artifact and Source Code For Our TOSEM Paper

Buddy Stacks: Protecting Return Addresses with Efficient Thread-Local Storage and Runtime Rerandomization

1. How to Reuse the Prebuilt Virtual Machine

(1). Download and intall VMware Workstation Player 15.

The free version is available for non-commercial use.

(2). Download the compressed image of our virtual machine Ubuntu18.04.vmx and uncompress it.


(3). Use VMware Workstation Player 15 to open the uncompressed virtual machine Ubuntu18.04.vmx.

The password to login is 123456

(4). Follow the steps in BuddyStack.txt

2. How to Build and Use BuddyStack on Your Own Machine from Scratch

(1) Install Rustc and Set the Default Version to Be 1.43

iron@CSE:~$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

iron@CSE:~$ rustup toolchain install 1.43

iron@CSE:~$ rustup default 1.43

# iron@CSE:~$ rustup self uninstall

(2) How to Build BuddyStack on Your Own Machine

Open a New Terminal
iron@CSE:~$ cd github

iron@CSE:github$ pwd


iron@CSE:github$ git clone

iron@CSE:github$ cd BuddyStack/

iron@CSE:BuddyStack$ . ./ 

iron@CSE:BuddyStack$ ./

(3) How to Use BuddyStack to Build an Existing Project

Open a New Terminal
iron@CSE:~$ cd github/BuddyStack/

iron@CSE:BuddyStack$ . ./ 

iron@CSE:BuddyStack$ cd demo/

iron@CSE:demo$ make CC=spa-clang CXX=spa-clang++

spa-clang main.c -o main	
spa-cc 0.01
spa-as 0.01
###SPA###  /tmp/main-0713db.s contains main().
[+] Instrumented 2 locations (2-startproc, 2-endproc, 64-bit, non-hardened mode, ratio 100%).
spa-clang -c main.c -o main.o
spa-cc 0.01
spa-as 0.01
###SPA###  /tmp/main-876250.s contains main().
[+] Instrumented 2 locations (2-startproc, 2-endproc, 64-bit, non-hardened mode, ratio 100%).
objdump -d ./main.o

./main.o:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <test>:
   0:	49 89 e2             	mov    %rsp,%r10
   3:	49 81 e2 00 00 80 ff 	and    $0xffffffffff800000,%r10
   a:	4d 8b 92 00 00 00 ff 	mov    -0x1000000(%r10),%r10
  11:	4c 03 14 24          	add    (%rsp),%r10
  15:	4c 89 94 24 00 00 80 	mov    %r10,-0x800000(%rsp)
  1c:	ff 
  1d:	55                   	push   %rbp
  1e:	48 89 e5             	mov    %rsp,%rbp
  21:	48 83 ec 10          	sub    $0x10,%rsp
  25:	48 bf 00 00 00 00 00 	movabs $0x0,%rdi
  2c:	00 00 00 


(4) How to Use Our Pin Tool to Get the Stack Information of a Running Program

Open a New Terminal
iron@CSE:~$ cd github/BuddyStack/

iron@CSE:BuddyStack$ . ./ 

iron@CSE:BuddyStack$ pin -follow-execv -mt -t ./src/ParallelShadowStacks/MyPinTool/obj-intel64/ -- ls   demo	       pin.log

iron@CSE:BuddyStack$ cat*.txt 

20019 20019 0 11264 13 ls

The call stack size is 11264 bytes and the call stack depth is 13.