This is my code for studying CS61C-summer20.
At this moment, I have already studied the whole course. However, in my own opinion, if you self-study this course, you shouldn't be devoted into the project 4 and project 3 part b for TOO MUCH time.
For project 4, the dumbpy
package cannot be accessed, which should be a big trouble,
so I recommend you to learn CS149,
which talks about the parallel computing, I think it is much better due to the UNIX
principle: do one thing and do it well.
For project 3 part b, the reason why I don't recommend is that it is tedious, it's so boring to design a control unit by hard-wired way unless you use some hardware language to simplify the process, so I think the most important thing to learn is project 3 part a, it's enough for you to understand how CPU works.
At last, thanks for CS61C team, although I have already learned some basic ideas, it is CS61C that makes work in action, and enhance my understanding about the architecture.