
Demo Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Create an Application

We will start by creating an application named JBossEAP MongoDB application named localjobs. The application will use the git repository provided in the from-code as the base code.

rhc app create localjobs jbosseap mongodb-2.2 --from-code=git://github.com/shekhargulati/localjobs.git

Importing Jobs Data to MongoDB

rhc app show -a localjobs 

scp jobs-data.json <ssh url>:app-root/data

rhc app ssh -a localjobs

cd app-root/data


login to database using mongo client and create a 2d index
> db.jobs.ensureIndex({"location":"2d"})

Run MongoDB queries

While you are in mongo shell lets execute some commands

Count of all the Java jobs near to my location

db.jobs.find({"location":{$near : [48.1530699,11.5992338]},"skills":"java"}).limit(2)

Give me Address of all the Java jobs near to my location

db.jobs.find({"location":{$near : [48.1530699,11.5992338]},"skills":"java"},{"formattedAddress":1}).limit(2)

Application in Cloud

The application will be up and running on OpenShift at http://localjobs-t20.rhcloud.com/