
An Android app that presents an interface for ordering pizzas.

Primary LanguageJava

This Android app is a demonstration in usability design written for a course of the same name.  Simply put, it's an app for ordering pizza.  This was my first Android app, and was a great experience for learning the Android layout system, database interfacing and design with SQLite3 and Java, and why not to use Dropbox for projects like this.

  Joshua Kovach
  Steven Farrer
  Nic Sizemore

  1. Refactor the whole lot.
      Like I said, this was a learning experience.  That being said, a lot of things could have been done more efficiently.  Most of the XML layouts could probably be cleaned up/consolidated.  Maybe not.  We didn't learn about inflation until shortly before the deadline.  There are a lot of assets that aren't actually used.
  2. Update comments.
      Again, a lot of XML files.  Many of them were simply copied from others.  Therefore, there are a lot of comments/documentations that just aren't accurate.  A lot of this could end up being taken care of during refactoring.
  3. Add editing of orders/pizzas.
      Really just didn't have time for this, and it was beyond the scope of the project.  Icons and infrastructure are there, just need the database methods.
  4. So much more.