
Address picker built with typeahead autocomplete from twitter

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Typeahead Address Picker Build Status

It's not an extension of typeahead plugin itself, but a new data source for twitter typeahead (version > 0.10.0)

The AddressPicker is a subclass of a Bloodhound class. It connects suggestions to Google Map AutocompleteService.

But it's much more than a simple suggestion engine because it can be linked to a google map to display/edit location.

How to use

Without a Google Map

The simplest usage is to use it as suggestion engine, without displaying results on google map.

  1. Include typeahead and google map with places activated
<script src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&sensor=false&libraries=places"></script>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../dist/typeahead.js"></script>
<script src="../dist/typeahead-addresspicker.js"></script>
  1. Add an input text
<input id="address" type="text" placeholder="Enter an address">
  1. Instanciate an AddressPicker and a typeahead
var addressPicker = new AddressPicker();

$('#address').typeahead(null, {
  displayKey: 'description',
  source: addressPicker.ttAdapter()

With a Google Map

For a better user experience, you can connect it to a google map to display results. You just need to add a div as for a google map place holder and connect it to the AddressPicker

  1. As before

  2. Add a div

<input id="address" type="text" placeholder="Enter an address">
<div id="map"></div>
  1. Instantiate an AddressPicker with the google map div element or ID and connect typeahead events.
// instantiate the addressPicker suggestion engine (based on bloodhound)
var addressPicker = new AddressPicker({
 map: {
  id: '#map'

// instantiate the typeahead UI
$('#address').typeahead(null, {
  displayKey: 'description',
  source: addressPicker.ttAdapter()

// Bind some event to update map on autocomplete selection
$('#address').bind('typeahead:selected', addressPicker.updateMap);
$('#address').bind('typeahead:cursorchanged', addressPicker.updateMap);


When you instantiate a new AddressPicker you can pass a list of options new AddressPicker(options)

Available Options:

  • map (Hash): Map id and options to link typeahead to a goggle map (default: none).

    • id (String/Element) DOM map element or CSS selector
    • all google.maps.Map constructor options. Default values are:
      zoom: 3,
      center: new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0),
      mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  • marker (Hash): Marker options display on the map.

      draggable: true,
      visible: false,
      position: MAP_CENTER
  • autocompleteService (Hash) : options passed to google.maps.places.AutocompleteService#getPlacePredictions (default: {types: ['geocode']}) For more details read Google documentation. You can add a lot of options, like get only address for a country, or get only cities.

    Example To get only cities in United States:

      autocompleteService: {
        types: ['(cities)'], 
        componentRestrictions: { country: 'US' }
  • zoomForLocation (Number): Zoom value when an accurate address is selected (default: 16).

  • reverseGeocoding (Boolean): Reverse geocoding when marker is dragged on map (default: false).

  • placeDetails (Boolean): If not using with a map, you can skip the getDetails portion to speed up the query (default: false).


Only one event is trigger by AddressPicker object: addresspicker:selected. The event is fired when an address is selected or when the marker is dragged. If reverseGeocoding is activated, a full response is trigger, otherwise only lat/lng.

To simplify google response parsing, we fire an object of type AddressPickerResult with some accessors:

  • lat()
  • lng()
  • addressTypes()
  • addressComponents()
  • nameForType: (type, shortName = false)

Listen that event to get values you need and store them in your form. Here is an example:

// Proxy inputs typeahead events to addressPicker

// Listen for selected places result
$(addressPicker).on('addresspicker:selected', function (event, result) {


The code is tested as much as possible. If you want to add features, please add spec in your pull request.


A demo is included in the github repository, and is available here: http://sgruhier.github.io/typeahead-addresspicker

Quick example to show how to use twitter typeahead autocomplete and google map API to make an address picker.

This example is just a first try and could be enhanced to fully replace my previous address picker: http://xilinus.com/jquery-addresspicker/demos/

Any suggestions (using issues) or pull requests are welcome.


  • Connect HTML5 geolocalisation API to display user position
  • Anything else that could make sense to be added :). You can open an issue with a label "feature" to open a discussion on a feature/API you'd like to add.


@copyright SĂ©bastien Gruhier / Xilinus (http://xilinus.com - http://v3.maptimize.com - http://buy.maptmize.com)