This is how to run it in a clean Ubuntu environment.
Commands should be run in superuser mode, this can be done via:
sudo do_something su -c 'do_something'
Install python with development headers, if they're not installed already:
sudo install python2.6 python2.6-dev
Install an implementation of MPI-2:
sudo install mpich2
Make file ~/.mpd.conf with some secret word:
echo "MPD_SECRETWORD=${RANDOM}z${RANDOM}z${RANDOM}" > $HOME/.mpd.conf chmod 600 $HOME/.mpd.conf
Install pip and setuptools, this helps to install python libraries easily:
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-setuptools
Install mpi4py and necessary libraries:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev pip install mpi4py
Install git and necessary libraries:
sudo apt-get install git-core python-numpy python-scipy
Get the source:
git clone git:// pagerank
Run it:
cd pagerank mpirun -np 4 ./ # if it complains about mpd not running, then run mpd --daemon
Things that you should keep in mind.
The PATH should be the same on every node. For example if you run this with mpirun on a cluster and your environment setup is done in a startup script - that script might not run. This means a different version of python could be run or different versions of libraries are loaded. There's a check for python version in, that's really not necessary as this should run with newer versions of python as well, but it ensures that the same version of python will be run on each node.
Depending on which mpirun there are ways to ensure proper PATH setup:
# for MPICH2 mpirun mpirun -np 8 -envlist PATH ./ # for openmpi mpirun, "-x" exports a single environment variable mpirun -np 8 -x PATH ./
Calculator is a general purpose same height matrix calculator running on top of MPI. There are multiple nodes for doing the calculation and one master node for sending the commands to the nodes.
The matrices are split rows wise. This means one node gets the top part another the middle and the last the bottom part:
______ ______ ______ | | [__A1__] | | | A | -- calc.Set('A',A) -> [__A2__] -- calc.Collect('A') -> | A | |______| [__A3__] |______|
Most simpler calculations can be done with partial matrices:
_______ _______ _________ [_A1____] [_B1____] [_A1_+_B1_] [_A2____] +- [_B2____] = [_A2_+_B2_] [_A3____] [_B3____] [_A3_+_B3_]
For multiplication the matrix B must be collected on one side:
_______ _______ ________ [_A1____] [_B1____] [A1] * B [_A1_*_B_] [_A2____] * [_B2____] = [A2] * B = [_A2_*_B_] [_A3____] [_B3____] [A3] * B [_A3_*_B_]
There is an optimization for sending that content to the specific node that it only needs (x- shows where A contains value ):
_______ _______ ________ [_xx____] [_B1____] [A1] * ( B1 ) = [_A1_*_B_] [___xx__] * [_B2____] = [A2] * ( B2 ) = [_A2_*_B_] [_x____x] [_B3____] [A3] * ( B1 & B3 ) = [_A3_*_B_]
This saves us some communication.
The basic structure of the Calculator and CalculatorNode-s is. There is one Calculator instance and multiple CalculatorNode-s.
Calculators purpose is to pass commands to CalculatorNodes and distribute and collect data.
Each CalculatorNode holds a partial matrix (row wise). This means that each Node holds specific rows, this is determined in the Setup of Calculator.
First step for setting up a new operation is to add a new tag in the beginning of Let's add OP_MAGIC to complex commands.
The tg() function ensures that each command gets an unique id.
Next step is to add appropriate function to Calculator. We will add this to the end of the class:
def Magic(self, r, a, s): """ Does some magic with a and s, stores the result in r """ ras = self.ras(r, a, s) self.Do(ras, OP_MAGIC)
The convention for commands that generate a new matrix or result is to give a new place to store the result. This means we get greater flexibility how we can use the commands.
"self.ras(r,a,s)" command converts matrix names 'r', 'a' to ids. This is just a convenience function. This also checks whether 'a' exists already. There are some similar commands: ras - result, matrix, scalar; rab - result, matrix, matrix; ra - result, matrix.
"self.Do()" sends the command to all Nodes.
Now we need to capture the command on the Nodes.
First we'll add redirection for this command in CalculatorNode.loop:
ops = { ... OP_DOT : self._dot, OP_MEX : self._mex, # complex commands OP_PREPARE_PAGERANK : self._prepare_pagerank, OP_MAGIC : self._magic, }
This translates the tag into a function "_magic". Also add this function just before the header for main loops:
def _magic(self, data): r, a, b = data self.Magic(r, a, b)
This "_" prefixed functions unpack the input data and translate them to their respective values. Now we also need to add "Magic" function:
def Magic(self, result, a, value): A = self.get(a) A = (A + value) * value self.set(r, A)
The "self.get(a)" gets the respective partial matrix from matrix list. Then we do some magic calculations with it and store the result with "self.set(r, A)".
Now we can execute the new computation.
Let's also add some internal node calculation here.
Add a new internal operation tag "_OP_MAGIC". Also let's modify Magic function:
def Magic(self, result, a, value): A = self.get(a) A = A + value value = value + A[0,0] newvalue = self.comm.sendrecv( value, self.left, _OP_MAGIC, None, self.right, _OP_MAGIC ) A = A * newvalue self.set(r, A)
Nodes have been automatically setup on a circle and "self.left", "self.right" store the appropriate neighbor node ids. We have to use sendrecv or non blocking calls as we don't want our program to run into a deadlock.