
All code and data for my honors thesis project at Duke University, a statistical investigation into unobligated and misappropriated Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Funds funds across the U.S.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository contains all code and data for my senior honors thesis project at Duke University, "The Diminishing Cash Safety Net: Predicting Fulfillment of TANF Goals from Unobligated Funds with Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling. This is a developing project.


The document sipp_data_cleaning.qmd contains all code to create the final dataset sipp_tanf.csv included in the \data folder. Each variable in the dataset is at one of __ levels to be included in the hierarchical model. The dataset contains 511497 observations of 33 variables. Each observation is an individual in a month.

Data Dictionary


Variable Type Level Description Source
household_id ID; numeric Household Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
pnum ID; numeric Person Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
month numeric Person-month Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
year numeric Household-year Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
age numeric Person-year Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
state character Household Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
education character Person Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
ethnicity character Person Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
race character Person Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
sex character Person Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
citizenship numeric Person Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
total_children numeric Person-year Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
in_goal1 numeric Household derived from Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
in_goal2 numeric Household derived from Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
in_goal3 numeric Person derived from Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
in_goal4 numeric Household derived from Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
goal1 numeric Household derived from Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
goal2 numeric Household derived from Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
goal3 numeric Person derived from Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
goal4 numeric Household derived from Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
pct_unobligated numeric State-year derived from TANF Financial Data{.uri}
pct_program_mgmt numeric State-year derived from TANF Financial Data{.uri}
pct_basic_assistance numeric State-year derived from TANF Financial Data{.uri}
received_job_training numeric Person-month derived from TANF Financial Data{.uri}
hh_married_month numeric Person derived from Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
tanf_begin_month numeric Person-month Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
tanf_initial_year numeric Person-month Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
tanf_end_month numeric Person-month Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
tanf_coverage_type character Person-month Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
tanf_owner numeric Person-month Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
tanf_continue_flag character Person-month Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
tanf_received_month numeric Person-month Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
tanf_received_year numeric Person-year Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
tanf_amt_received numeric Person-month Survey of Income and Program Participation Data{.uri}
party character State-year Wikipedia List of States' Governors{.uri}