jQuery Server Side Calculator


Duration: 20-25 hours

The following application was constructed using Node, Express, JavaScript, jQuery, and the Ajax get, post, and delete methods. Additionally, Postman was used to test the back-end prior to the development of the "client" side of the project. A "styles.css" file and a "bootstrap.css" file are sourced in the "index.html" file; however, for base mode, these aren't necessarily utilized.

As a calculator, the app allows users to enter two values and choose a binary operation.

Screen Shot



The following may be necessary:


Begin, by either forking the repository, cloning the repository, and/or downloading the application zip file.

The following shows the contents provided:



  1. In the first input field, enter a numerical value.
  2. Select the type of mathematical operation desired.
  3. In the second input field, enter a numerical value.
  4. Select the '=' sign to generate the equation's solution. It will append to the screen along with the history of your calculations.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 as you wish.
  6. To clear the history from the screen, select the 'CLEAR' button.


Thank you to Prime Digital Academy for teaching me the tools needed to develop this applicaiton.