
Record performance logs from chrome browser to json file.


chrome-performance-logs-recorder starts selenium using selenium-standalone and then uses wd client to browse specified url.

After specified duration it dumps performance logs and writes them to json file.


  • --debug (default false) - enabled debug output
  • --duration (default 5000) - duration of logs gathering in ms
  • --filter-event-names (default '') - comma separated event names to filter for
  • --local-storage (default 'key:value') - can be used to pass one key:value pair to local storage
  • --output-filename (default 'trace.json') - filename where recorded trace will be written
  • --silent (default false) - disables output to console
  • --trace-categories (default 'devtools.timeline,disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline.frame,rail') - comma separated trace categories
  • --trim (default=0) - removes specified % of events (half of the value at the beginning and half at the end)
  • --url (default '') - url of page for which logs will be recorded
  • --verbose (default false) - enables verbose output


yarn install

node build/main.js

Trace categories

To get list of all available trace categories browse chrome://tracing/ in chrome.

Output format

Trace Event Format
