
Graphql relay api

Primary LanguageTypeScript

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Nest framework TypeScript starter repository.

This folder is discover bookings applications api. It will be based on the MVC model


  • Nestjs & @nestjs/typeorm
  • Graphql-relay
  • Typeorm & @nestjs/typeorm
  • Graphql


MVC architecture where each folder will be named as per the table e.g. user

  • user.resolver.ts - contains graphql queries and mutations for said table e.g. user
  • user.service.ts - Contains all the functionalities that will interact with the reposiory folder
  • user.module.ts - Our core folder which will be injected to our root app module

The general lib folder will contain all other functionalities e.g. It will contain

  • repository - This is the folder that will interact with our DB
  • entities - This folder will contain our DB tables, we will use the old tables from db folder
  • migrations - The DB migrations will be created here
  • graphql - The graphql schema
  • connections - the relay connections
  • types - Custom types that are reusable
  • utils - Any shared utils

naming conventions will be <modulename>.<foldername>.ts


This backend system will be based on TDD (Test Driven Development) appraoch and its therefore required to write tests for different api's and ensure all tests are passing before being merged Tests should be written in the test folder while other codes are written in the src folder


The configuration for migrations is made in the src/config/datasource.config.ts

Due to the new typeorm features follow below steps to run migrations

Running Migrations

  • Open the src/config/datasource.config.ts
  • Update the value of synchronize to true (This will automatically run current migrations)
  • Afterwards turn this value back to false

Generating a migration

  • First ensure that the value synchronize in src/config/datasource.config.ts is false
  • Create a new entity table in src/lib/entities
  • Run yarn migration:generate <migrations directory/migration-name> e.g. yarn migration:generate src/lib/migrations/create-user-entity

NB: To run the above migration follow the previous step on Running migrations


$ yarn install

Running the app

# development
$ yarn start

# watch mode
$ yarn start:dev

# production mode
$ yarn start:prod


# unit tests
$ yarn test

# e2e tests
$ yarn test:e2e

# test coverage
$ yarn test:cov


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