
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AppGyver Steroids

AppGyver Steroids is PhoneGap on Steroids, providing native UI elements, multiple WebViews and enhancements for better developer productivity.

Installation and requirements




  • Xcode and command-line tools (Mac app store)
  • Git with homebrew or git Mac installer (if using the installer, remember to includ git in your $PATH)
  • Python 2.7 or greater (preinstalled on OS X Lion and newer)


  • Git
  • Python 2.7 or greater

Installing With Node Version Manager (for OS X and Linux)

We recommend installing with NVM, see https://github.com/creationix/nvm: it allows you to run multiple versions of node and does not require sudo at any point.

$ curl https://raw.github.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | sh

Note that by default NVM adds initialization lines to .bash_profile, so you need to make sure these lines are loaded.

To install node.js 0.10.x with nvm and set it as default:

$ nvm install 0.10
$ nvm use 0.10
$ nvm alias default 0.10

Now install Steroids globally with the -g flag:

$ npm install steroids -g

Note that some third-party npm packages might give warnings during the install project. These warnings shouldn't affect how the Steroids npm functions.


$ steroids create directory_name
$ cd directory_name
$ steroids connect

More usage information is available via

$ steroids usage


Steroids Developer Portal



Bugs, feedback

We want to get your feedback! Drop us a mail at contact@appgyver.com

Testing npm

To run all unit tests:

$ npm test

To run unit tests without time-consuming Generator tests:

$ ./bin/test fast

To create a test app with all examples generated by $ steroids generate commands:

$ test/generate.sh